Two new Catholic priests ordained in Miri today (December 30)


MIRI: The population of 90,000 Catholics in the Miri diocese in northern Sarawak welcomed two new priests on Wednesday (December 30).

Deacons Henry Saleh and Ronald Jimmy were ordained priests by Bishop Richard Ng around noon, witnessed by family members and other priests at Santo Domingo and El Rosario Church.

The ceremony was held under strict Covid-19 standard operating procedure, with limited attendance.

Bishop Ng reminded the two new priests, both in their 30s, to be dedicated and faithful to their callings to serve God and the church.

“You are called to serve God, the church and the people.

“Be faithful in preaching the Gospel and in your sacramental duties and serve with joy. Put into practice what you preach,” he said.

They must serve as shepherds in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, he added.

After their ordination, Father Henry and Father Ronald expressed their gratitude to God for the blessings of being able to serve as priests.

They also thanked Bishop Ng and his mentors and family for helping them reach the priesthood.

They pledged to serve the church loyally.

The Catholic Diocese of Miri stretches across northern Sarawak from the northernmost point of the Lawas district to the remote parts of the Belaga district.
