Two alleged robber-murderers arrested


KUALA LUMPURThe alleged murderer-robbers who stabbed to death a retired director of the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) during a robbery at the victim’s home in Bangsar earlier yesterday were arrested.

The two are believed to be among several suspects arrested at various locations in the Klang Valley by the Kuala Lumpur CID several hours after the 3.30am robbery in Jalan, Mambu, Bukit Bandaraya on Sunday.

Kuala Lumpur CID chief SAC Nik Ros Azhan Nik Abd Hamid, who confirmed the arrests when contacted by the Sun at midnight, said investigators are gathering more information from the suspects.

On Sunday, Dr. Wan Hassan Wan Embong, 71, who was cut in the face and neck with a sharp weapon, died in his two-story bungalow after being attacked by two armed robbers who had broken into his home. previously.

Wan Hassan, who was awakened by the noise in his kitchen, confronted the thieves and resisted when they demanded cash and valuables.

His wife, Sarifah Yusof, 70, a retired public school teacher, was stabbed in her right hand by thieves and was sent to hospital for treatment.

The thieves who gathered an undisclosed amount of valuables escaped through a window in the home’s kitchen.
