Twitter deletes MDEC president’s tweet for promoting the discredited Covid-19 remedy


PETALING JAYA: Twitter removed a tweet from Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) president Datuk Dr. Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff for promoting a discredited remedy to prevent or cure Covid-19.

The tweet has been replaced by the message: “This tweet violated Twitter rules. “

The tweet on Thursday (January 14) drew the ire of several internet users and professionals who criticized his act as “irresponsible.”

“Try this … I’ve started … It can help prevent virus attack!” Rais tweeted, accompanied by a handwritten Ayurvedic concoction titled “Corona Kashayam.”

The turmeric-based preparation can supposedly prevent Covid-19 and even cured a doctor who had the disease, in one day.

Several social media users were quick to mock Rais’s tweet with some pointing out that the snake oil remedy had been discredited as fake news in India.

Later that night, Rais also responded to a tweet from a user who had said he was “stubborn” for not deleting the tweet that contained the discredited Covid-19 cure.

Rais tweeted: “Of course this is my personal opinion! The use of traditional medicine as a compliment (sic) to modern medicine. Kita cuba semua, don’t forget to pray too! There (sic) they are all good. “
