Trump’s election campaign asks judge to declare him the winner in Pennsylvania


(Reuters) – President Donald Trump’s election campaign on Wednesday asked a judge to declare him the winner in Pennsylvania and said the Republican-controlled state legislature should select voters to cast their votes in the United States polling station system. United.

In a court docket, the campaign asked United States District Judge Matthew Brann to consider issuing an order that “the results of the 2020 presidential general election are flawed and provides for the Pennsylvania General Assembly to elect Pennsylvania voters “.

The request was part of a larger campaign offer to amend a Nov. 9 lawsuit challenging the outcome in Pennsylvania.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden won with 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232 across the country. The winner needs 270, and Trump would have to change the result in Pennsylvania, with 20 electoral votes, and two other states. Biden won Pennsylvania by about 82,000 votes, according to Edison Research.

Trump’s legal team, led by his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, also asked Brann’s permission to postpone the legal claims he withdrew from the lawsuit Sunday. They said Republican observers were denied access to the mail-in ballot count, a claim that election officials dispute.

The lawsuit also alleges inconsistent treatment by county elections officials of mail-in ballots. Some counties notified voters that they could correct minor defects, such as missing “secret envelopes,” while others did not.

Brann expressed skepticism about the lawsuit at a hearing Tuesday.

The Trump case has many flaws and does not give Trump “any viable path to overturn the results,” said Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School who has been following the litigation.

The amended filing “does not provide any indication that a sufficient number of ballots to make up the difference in the election are not valid,” Levitt said, adding that “the courts will not discard the ballots (or stop an ongoing recount) without actual proof that the ballots in question were invalid. “

Republican Trump’s campaign has filed a series of lawsuits in a risky attempt to reverse the election. Trump has claimed without proof that the election was stolen.

A Reuters poll on Wednesday showed that roughly half of Republicans believe Trump’s election was stolen.

(Information by Tom Hals and Jan Wolfe, Noeleen Walder; Editing by Cynthia Osterman and Grant McCool)
