Trump should resign and ‘not be embarrassing’, says Czech president


PRAGUE (Reuters) – Donald Trump would be wiser if he acknowledged losing the US presidential election and resigning, Czech President Milos Zeman, one of Trump’s early supporters, said on Thursday.

Zeman, one of the few European politicians who backed Trump before his 2016 election victory but did not make such an endorsement this year, told the news website that while it was possible to demand recounts and go to the courts, Trump should make a decision. different route.

“I personally think it would be much more reasonable to give up, not be embarrassing, and allow the new president to take office,” he said.

Trump has refused to accept the victory of Democratic challenger Joe Biden, saying the November 3 election was rigged.

Zeman, 76, is a leading figure in Czech post-communist politics, having served as prime minister and winning two presidential elections.

Czech presidents don’t wield executive power like their US counterparts, but Zeman has used his influence to push for closer ties with Russia and China.

Zeman has shared Trump’s initial warm approach to Russia, tough stance on immigration or support for Israeli government policies.

But he never received a coveted invitation to the White House and has backed a pro-Russian stance on issues of U.S. concern, including plans to build a new nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic and the extradition of a Russian piracy suspect. To united states. .

(Reporting by Jan Lopatka; Editing by Nick Macfie)
