Trump says he will kill phase one trade deal if China promises $ 200 billion spending


In return, China pledged to buy, for two years, at least $ 200 billion more in American goods and services than in 2017, including about $ 40 billion in agricultural products.

At the town hall on Sunday night, Trump also addressed the question about the origin of the coronavirus, which has so far infected more than 3.5 million people and killed more than 245,000 worldwide.

He stayed away from the accusation, which scientists have described as highly unlikely, that the virus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, but suggested that China had intentionally allowed the virus to spread beyond its borders.

“I personally think [China] made a horrible mistake. They tried to hide it. It’s really like [they were] trying to put out a fire. They couldn’t put out the fire, “Trump said.

“What China really treated the world badly was that they prevented people from entering China, but they did not prevent people from entering the United States and around the world,” he said. “You couldn’t fly from Wuhan to go to Beijing or anywhere in China … you could fly from Wuhan, where the main problem was, to different parts of the world. What’s that all about? “

Trump said “a case could be made, that China said:” hey look, this will have a big impact on China, we could also let the rest of the world [have the problem too]”He also said that” a very solid report “on exactly what we think happened will be released soon. And I think it will be very conclusive.”

The administration is now conducting research on the origins of the coronavirus, making the Wuhan Institute of Virology the center of a series of conspiracy theories. Analysts have recently said that Trump could wield it as a weapon to divert attention from his pro-China comments at the start of the outbreak should evidence emerge to prove such a theory.

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday that there was “enormous evidence” that the coronavirus pandemic originated in a laboratory in Wuhan. “I think everyone can see now, remember, China has a history of infecting the world and running substandard laboratories,” he said on ABC. This week.

Meanwhile, the United States is formulating a series of measures to hold China accountable for the damage of the pandemic that includes sanctions, canceling US debt obligations and developing new trade policies.

Trump’s super PAC launched a television ad campaign in April that painted Joe Biden as gentle on China. Biden’s campaign refuted on videos, beating Trump for cutting resources for preparing for a US pandemic. USA And for praising China’s “efforts and transparency” in its response to the virus.

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