Trump leaves the hospital for the White House


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump left the hospital on Monday after four days of emergency treatment for Covid-19, removing his mask the moment he arrived at the White House and vowing to quickly return to the campaign.

Earlier, Trump tweeted that Americans, who have lost nearly 210,000 people to the virus, have nothing to fear.

A series of moments made for television allowed Trump to make the most of his medical discharge, starting with leaving alone through the large, golden entrance doors of the Walter Reed Military Hospital on the outskirts of Washington.

Live on television, he then walked in a mask to a limousine, giving the go-ahead, before boarding the Marine One helicopter for the express flight to the White House, which he left Friday after falling ill.

After landing, he climbed the steps to the majestic South Portico balcony, removed his mask, and offered a 23-second salute to the departing Marine One.

With less than a month to go until Election Day is Nov. 3, polls show Trump is behind Democrat Joe Biden. The president’s hospitalization left him struggling even harder to catch up.

The return to the White House was painstakingly accomplished to show he’s in good physical shape, while a series of eye-catching tweets demonstrated Trump’s looming political angle of attack – that he personally beat Covid and will now lead the country to his home. own return.

“We will be back to Campaign Trail soon !!!” she said in a tweet.

“Don’t be afraid of Covid,” he said in another, claiming to feel rejuvenated after his illness.

The comment surprised his rival, who was campaigning Monday in Florida.

“Say that to the 205,000 families who lost someone,” Biden snapped.

The former vice president joined his remarks later Monday at an open-air city hall in Miami, where he criticized Trump for downplaying the masks.

“I hope the president, after he’s been through what he’s been through, and I’m glad it seems to be going pretty well, will deliver the right lesson to the American people: Masks matter,” Biden said.

That recommendation appeared to go unheeded as Trump launched a new, unfiltered message to Americans: “Don’t let it rule your life, get out, be careful,” Trump said in a tweeted video.

Sickness around Trump

The 74-year-old Republican’s show of bravery came on the same day his own top spokesperson tested positive, the latest in a viral outbreak that swept through the White House.

And despite his claims of being in good health again, a combination of secrecy, conflicting information from officials, and viral spread among his own circle damaged his credibility.

In a briefing at Walter Reed, presidential physician Sean Conley said Trump is “back” but would not be “completely out of the woods” for a week.

Despite Trump’s signature claim that Covid-19 shouldn’t be a major concern, polls show that it is a major concern for Americans. His widely criticized handling of the crisis this year is also seen as the main reason Biden, 77, is rising in polls.

Illustrating the division between the reality described by health experts and the White House challenge, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany became the latest to announce a positive test result on Monday.

Other positive cases close to Trump now include his wife Melania, aide Hope Hicks, campaign manager Bill Stepien, two of McEnany’s aides according to US media and more than half a dozen people from the president’s circle.

Does Trump ‘defeat’ Covid without help?

Harassed by revelations that he avoids paying almost any federal income tax and a host of other scandals, Trump was already after Biden when he fell ill.

But the biggest risk in his fight for a second term was always his response to the pandemic.

For months, Trump has given the appearance of trying to reject the catastrophe and return to his reelection narrative of a strong economy.

Trump now seems willing to try to claim that by quickly leaving the hospital, he has personally defeated the virus and will continue to do the same for the rest of the country.

An unofficial White House-themed gift shop announced Monday that it will sell a commemorative coin titled “President Donald J. Trump Defeats COVID” for $ 100.

Biden gets the upper hand

Despite Trump’s determination to reassert himself, he has lost several precious days of a campaign that largely revolves around his large-scale demonstrations and his image of personal strength.

The day after he announced his positive test, he should have flown to the Wisconsin battlefield, ignoring the fact that it would gather crowds in one of the worst coronavirus hot spots in the nation.

Biden, meanwhile, has kept his campaign slow but steady that has always emphasized health precautions, a reduced style that Trump calls weakness and scoffed as recently as last week.

The turmoil has sparked unusual interest in Wednesday’s televised debate among vice presidential candidates, Republican Mike Pence and Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris, who will be separated by a Plexiglas barrier for the event. – AFP
