Trump Joins the Ranks of Single-Term American Presidents: Who Are They?


With Democrat Joe Biden winning the US presidential election, Donald Trump, the incumbent Republican, becomes President of the United States for a term.

Trump joins the ranks of other commanders-in-chief who did not have a second four-year term in the White House.

Some had their presidential careers cut short by death, including John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963. His successor Lyndon B. Johnson made the surprising decision not to run a second time, his time in office marred by the war of Vietnam. .

Other occupants of the White House had their hopes of reelection dashed by voters in a general election.

The most recent was George HW Bush, a Republican who lost re-election to Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992, although his only term came after eight years from his party partner Ronald Reagan.

The 12 years of Republican rule came after a period of back and forth.Ronald Reagan appointed Jimmy Carter (pix), Democrat, president of a term in the elections of 1980. Photo: APRonald Reagan appointed Jimmy Carter (pix), Democrat, president of a term in the elections of 1980. Photo: AP

Reagan himself had appointed Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, president for a term in the 1980 elections. And, just four years earlier, Carter had succeeded a short-lived presidency: that of Gerald Ford.

Ford, a Republican, was never elected to high office. He was the first unelected president in American history in 1974 after Richard Nixon resigned following the Watergate scandal.

In 1932, Republican Herbert Hoover, whose only term as president was overshadowed by the Great Depression, lost re-election to Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Republican William Howard Taft lost the 1912 presidential election to Democrat Woodrow Wilson after only one term in the White House.

Republican Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president of the United States, lost re-election to Democrat Grover Cleveland in 1892. Harrison had defeated Cleveland in 1888, but Cleveland ran again four years later and became the only president to serve two terms. not consecutive.

In 1840, Democrat Martin Van Buren lost his reelection campaign to William Henry Harrison of the Whig party.

John Quincy Adams was only the second president of the United States who failed to win a second term, losing to Andrew Jackson in 1828.

His father, John Adams, considered the founding father of the United States, suffered a similar fate. The Federalist was the second president of the United States, after George Washington, from 1797 to 1801.

But Adams was defeated by Democrat-Republican Thomas Jefferson, becoming the first president of a term. – dpa
