Trump feels fine, will remain hospitalized: White House official


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US President Donald Trump is feeling great and wants to go back to work in the White House, but will remain hospitalized, White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien said on Sunday.

“I spoke to the Chief of Staff (Mark Meadows) this morning and the good news is that the president is feeling great and he really wants to go back to the White House and get back to work, but I think he will stay at Walter Reed for at least another time period, “O’Brien said on CBS’s” Face the Nation. “

O’Brien, who had coronavirus over the summer, said the seventh and eighth days “are the critical days, so I think the doctors want to make sure they’re there for the president.”

O’Brien said Trump will receive a national security briefing remotely later Sunday from himself, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.

When asked if there had been any discussions about the transfer of power in the event of Trump being incapacitated, O’Brien said, “No, that’s not something that’s on the table right now.” He said he would not address hypotheses, but “We have plans for everything.”

(Reporting by Doina Chiacu and Daphne Psaledakis; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)
