Trump Did Not Reveal Early Positive Coronavirus Rapid Test Result: Reports


MOSCOW: United States President Donald Trump (pix) received a positive rapid test result for coronavirus on Thursday, but decided not to reveal the result while waiting for a more thorough evaluation, the Sputnik news agency reported.

According to reports in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday, citing anonymous sources, Trump tested positive for the rapid test on Thursday night, before his appearance on Fox News, where he said he was being tested for the coronavirus after his close assistant Hope Hicks. tested positive.

Because Trump’s rapid test came back positive, he was given a second, more reliable test, which is in line with White House protocols, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The newspaper said Trump asked an adviser not to reveal the results of his rapid coronavirus test on Thursday.

Trump announced on Twitter early Friday that he and his wife Melania had tested positive for the coronavirus. On Friday afternoon, the president was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland.

In a 4-minute video recorded at Walter Reed Medical Center and posted to Twitter on Saturday, Trump said he was feeling better and would be back soon.

White House physician Dr. Sean Conley said in a statement Saturday that Trump was fine and did not have a fever and that doctors were “cautiously optimistic” about his condition.

Dr. Sean Dooley of Walter Reed Medical Center said in a briefing Sunday that Trump continued to improve.

Dr. Brian Garibaldi of Johns Hopkins University, in charge of the president’s therapy, said Sunday that Trump had responded well to the antiviral treatment remdesivir and that he could be allowed to return to the White House on Monday.Called
