Travelers serving a mandatory 14-day quarantine can go through a shorter period, says the Director General of Health


PUTRAJAYA: Travelers currently serving their mandatory 14-day quarantine order may be considered for a shorter period of isolation, says the Health Ministry.

The 14-day quarantine period has been shortened to 10 days from today, and many of those currently in quarantine are anxious to know if their stay will be shortened as well.

“Those who are already in quarantine, we will consider shortening their period to 10 days as well. But there may be logistical problems, so we will discuss them first.

“However, everyone in quarantine must undergo their second Covid-19 test, on the eighth or ninth day.

“Only if their tests come back negative for Covid-19, then they can be released,” Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah said at a press conference here on Monday (December 14).

On Sunday (December 13), Dr. Noor Hisham announced that the government decided to reduce the number of quarantine days to 10.

“This political decision was made after analyzing the scientific evidence.

“The difference between 10 days and 14 days is not much. So the risk is still acceptable, compared to perhaps a seven-day quarantine period, ”said Dr. Noor Hisham.

Currently, the country’s policy requires that all travelers arriving in the country at their points of entry undergo a Covid-19 test.

Those who test positive will be transferred to a hospital for treatment, while those who test negative will be quarantined in assigned centers, including hotels.

Travelers will be assessed a second time before the end of their stay or if they develop symptoms.
