Too many countries experience an exponential increase in virus cases, says WHO


Medical staff from the intensive care unit of a hospital on the outskirts of Rome treat patients on October 21 (AP photo)

PARIS: Grim data highlighted the struggle by authorities around the world to control the coronavirus pandemic on Saturday, as the US reported 80,000 infections in a single day, France extended a curfew to two-thirds of citizens, and the death toll in Germany exceeded 10,000.

The World Health Organization had previously warned of an “exponential” increase in infections that threatens the ability of health systems to cope.

But populations weary of social isolation and economic difficulties have rejected new restrictions to curb the spread of the virus’ resurgence, including nightly clashes in Naples between Italian police and hundreds of protesters.

In the US, Covid-19 has become a central electoral issue ahead of the Nov. 3 vote, and President Donald Trump promised attendees of a rally in Florida on Friday that “we will quickly end this pandemic, this horrible plague. “

Meanwhile, challenger Joe Biden agreed with Trump’s promise to make a vaccine available for free to all who want it “whether or not they are insured” and said the Republican incumbent has “given up” on controlling the outbreak. .

Johns Hopkins University had previously reported 79,963 new cases in the United States in 24 hours, a new record, although the number of daily deaths has remained virtually stable since early fall between 700 and 800.

Overall, more than 223,000 people have died from Covid-19 in the US.

France followed Spain past the million-case milestone on Friday, while the government extended a nightly curfew designed to slow the spread and affect some 46 million people.

“Whatever we do in the coming days and weeks, the number of victims will be higher,” Health Minister Olivier Veran told lawmakers.

And after Germany recorded its 10,000th death from the coronavirus, Chancellor Angela Merkel told citizens that “the order of the day is to cut down on contacts, meet as few people as possible” in a weekly video podcast.

In Poland, President Andrzej Duda tested positive for Covid-19, although an aide wrote on Twitter that he was “fine.”

Close to capacity

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Friday that “too many countries are experiencing an exponential increase in Covid-19 cases and that is now leading to hospitals and intensive care units operating near or above its capacity, and we are still in October. “

“We urge leaders to take immediate action to prevent more unnecessary deaths.”

That message was shared by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), whose director Andrea Ammon warned of a “highly worrisome epidemiological situation.”

But measures to reinstate the restrictions were met with protests in parts of the continent.

In Naples, hundreds of protesters turned out after a call on social media to resist a new curfew in some parts of Italy, throwing objects at police and setting garbage containers on fire.

The country is reeling from its worst post-war recession after a grueling two-month national lockdown triggered by one of Europe’s worst outbreaks, and authorities have so far been reluctant to repeat the drastic quarantine restrictions that were seen. so.

Wales entered a total lockdown on Friday night, the day after Ireland’s closure, while Poland adopted a nationwide “red zone” lockdown that ordered the partial closure of primary schools and restaurants.

Only Sweden, which refused to close earlier this year, continued despite an increase in cases.

After Spain became the first European country to officially register one million Covid-19 cases earlier in the week, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said on Friday that the actual number of infections would likely triple that number.

‘We are overwhelmed’

Across the globe, Covid-19 has claimed the lives of 1.1 million people and infected about 42 million, and the WHO warned that the northern hemisphere was at a critical juncture.

Belgium has witnessed one of the deadliest per capita outbreaks in Europe and has suffered some of the highest second wave infection rates in Europe.

“We are losing. We are overwhelmed. We are bitter,” said Benoit Misset, head of the intensive care unit of the University Hospital of the city of Liège, where several members of his staff have to work despite being positive, although asymptomatic, they themselves.

Work has continued on the international search to find a vaccine for the disease, and clinical trials for a candidate developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford resumed in the US on Friday, six weeks after a subject from test get sick.
