Tok Mat: 10 months after the new government and politics remain ‘at the crossroads’


SEREMBAN: Malaysia’s politics are still at a crossroads, although it has been 10 months since a new government was formed, says Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan (Photo).

The vice president of Umno said that this was not good for Malaysia and the people, especially Malays, as it has left the nation without a vision or direction.

“10 months have passed since the formation of the new government.

“Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a solution for both the Malaysian and Malaysian political scene,” he said in a statement.

Mohamad said the continued bickering had only further frustrated the people and that it was time for the leaders to be more decisive.

“People are tired, fed up and fed up with the statements, behaviors and confrontations between politicians, particularly the Malays,” he said.

He said that what the nation needed were not just ideas, but a clear vision of how they could move forward and prosper further.

Malaysia would also probably be better off without forming one political alliance after another.

“What people need are new policies, ideas and ingenuity to make Malaysia more prosperous,” he said.

Quoting the Indonesian philosopher Hamka, Mohamad said that a wise person lived for his community and not for himself.

Malaysia, he said, desperately needed those people.

“Maybe it’s time to close the chapter and open a page in a new book.

“There is no point being depressed or thinking about the past. Malaysia needs new seeds and new inspiration for it to grow again,” he added.
