To master English, Sarawak creates a state-owned international school


Abang Johari Openg says that international schools will no longer be just for those who can afford it, but for any Sarawakian who meets the selection criteria.

KUCHING: Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg said today that the state government has decided to establish its own international secondary schools to produce competitive students with a good command of the English language.

He said poor command of English had contributed to the unemployment rate among graduates.

“We are not saying that national schools or other languages ​​are not important, but we cannot deny the fact that if we want our children to be competitive internationally, they have to be fluent in English.”

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony for Sarawak’s first state-owned international school project at mile 12 of Kuching-Serian Road here, he said the state was rich in natural resources but lacking in talent.

“We cannot rely solely on natural resources to develop our state, as we need talent to help us move forward.”

Abang Johari said the international school would allow excellent students from rural and urban areas and of all races, including those from low-income families, to compete with each other.

“International schools will no longer be (only) for those who can afford them, but for any Sarawakian who meets the selection criteria.

“By having our own schools, we can avoid changing policies on education and other ‘strange’ decisions of the federal Ministry of Education. For example, change the color of school shoes.

“We have collected RM2.95 billion in state sales tax from Petronas and this is how we give back to the people, building schools for their children, as they are our future,” he said.

State Minister of Education, Science and Technology Research Michael Manyin Jawong said the state had proposed a total of five international secondary schools, including two in Kuching, and one in Sibu, Bintulu and Miri.

He said the first school, which opened today, was expected to be completed by December 2022 and the first enrollment is scheduled for early 2023.

Each school, he said, would have about 500 students with 100 students at each level. She added that the state would hire retired teachers to teach students using the International General Certificate of Secondary Education from the Cambridge Assessment Board of International Education.

“The selection of students will be inclusive as long as they are from Sarawak and meet the selection criteria. However, there will be a fee for students from well-to-do families and they will have to pay the full fee.

“Students from M40 families will receive a partial subsidy while students from B40 families will receive the full subsidy,” he said, adding that the estimated operating cost for five schools was between RM70 million and RM80 million.
