Time for a change of pace, dear Bishop Leow


I was positively surprised by how the Malaysian government decided to relax the movement restrictions that have deeply affected many lives and businesses across the country. Several scientific studies have shown that blockages do not have a significant impact on the spread of Covid-19.

As long as an effective cure is not found, it seems that the best solution we have now is to lead a near normal life while protecting the vulnerable, as stated in the Great Barrington Declaration.

In keeping with this, Chief Security Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob had recently stated that “life must go on” and that “we have to learn to live with the virus”, hinting that the damages of prolonged confinement can be far greater than the due to Covid-19.

However, this does not mean that we have to live irresponsibly. In reality, it is a call for greater individual responsibility. Everyone must step up and take the necessary precautions to protect not only themselves, but also their loved ones.

As Christmas week approaches, we will see many parks reopening, including Zoo Negara. Nothing like the outdoors and sunlight (vitamin D) to help boost our immune systems, along with a good amount of vitamin C.

A cloud, however, casts shadows on such a promising scenario.

Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim had announced that there would be no sacraments or Masses for Christmas, forcing Malaysian Catholics to be deprived of what they hold most dear during the peak period of the year, after they were forced to give up Easter earlier this year due to the emergency closure. He made this announcement despite recent government SOPs allowing churches to reopen.

All over the world, churches are fighting against the restrictions of their respective governments, while in Malaysia, we find ourselves in the peculiar situation where the suspension of Masses is decided and prolonged by the archdioceses and not by the government.

Without lowering the risk posed by increased Covid-19 infections, as a Catholic, I ask His Highness the bishop: “What do we hold dear? Can we really live a real life without sacraments for fear of the virus? “

As a cancer patient, since 2016 I have been forced to face the horizon of premature death in a very concrete way and I am more afraid to think that I can die without receiving the sacraments.

Again I ask, “What do we cherish the most?”

Isn’t it Jesus in the Eucharist who gives meaning to all our senseless actions? Isn’t it Jesus who gives meaning to our relationships, families, works? Should our faith, experience, and life be determined by fear or trust? Shouldn’t we live our lives trusting that Jesus will take us by the hand?

This does not mean that we should not take precautions. But if there is SOP for every little gesture in our daily routine, even the absurdity of people believing that they can escape death, can’t we implement and enforce SOP for our Eucharistic life? What about the availability of more doughs but of shorter duration?

Catholics must be witnesses of hope and love, taking to the world the message of a life that overcame death. Then I ask how it is possible that the Malaysian church gave up on this message, suggesting to the faithful that we should live in fear like mice hiding in our hole. Doesn’t this mean that we no longer believe what we preach?

What is a secure life if it is deprived of what gives it meaning?

It is time for His Grace Bishop Leow to reflect on these issues, recognizing that he is forcing Catholics to live in a way not even the government asks of them. And, most importantly, these decisions put doubts in their hearts.

How is it possible that we can go to restaurants, supermarkets and zoos but not have access to what makes sense of all these things? Even science no longer supports these options.

Time for a change of pace, dear Bishop Leow.

Carmelo Ferlito is the general director of the Market Education Center.

The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.

