Three company directors arrested for SMS scam case


PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has arrested three company directors on suspicion of giving bribes worth millions of ringgits as part of an SMS scam syndicate.

Judge Shah Wira Abdul Halim ordered that the three men, aged between 41 and 48, remain in MACC custody until November 14 to facilitate investigations.

The three arrived at the Putrajaya court around 11 am on Tuesday, November 10) dressed in the orange MACC outfit with the words “Lokap SPRM” (MACC lock).

Two of the directors are said to be Datuks.

According to a source, the three suspects were detained at the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya between 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on Monday after they came to give their statement.

The source added that three were directors of different companies and had apparently been giving bribes to telecommunications companies to access customers’ phone numbers.

“The directors are believed to have bribed officials at telecommunications companies to obtain their clients’ phone numbers, which are used for a syndicate of ‘content provider’ SMS scams.

“Customers are unknowingly charged a subscription fee,” the source said.

The case is being investigated under Section 16 (b) (A) of the MACC Act.
