There were no security threats on election day, but more than 100 in boats went astray earlier, says the Sabah police chief.


KOTA KINABALU: There have been no security threats or public chaos on voting day so far, and the trend is expected to continue until 5pm Saturday (Sept. 26) when voting closes, says Datuk Hazani Ghazali.

The Sabah Police Commissioner said things were under control after security forces chased away about 115 people in long boats (jongkong) and speedboats trying to illegally enter Sabah through the Sandakan waters on Thursday ( 24th September).

“Our intelligence believes that these people were infiltrating to vote again. We are not denying them their right to vote if it is valid, but if they use the back door and do not go through a medical check, we must stop them. to prevent Covid-19 from spreading, ”he said at a press conference at the Papar district police station on Saturday.

Hazani reiterated that things got complicated on the east coast of Sabah, due to the proximity to neighboring Philippines and with some relatives there, so they tend to come and go.

On Friday (September 25), Deputy Inspector General of Police Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said elements from a neighboring country are believed to be hiding on islands outside Sabah waters to try to sneak in and disrupt state elections.

He said they are believed to use boats with a capacity of 40 to 50 people each, but added that Malaysian security forces are constantly monitoring any movements.

“Fortunately there are no reports today, our intelligence is silent at the moment. I hope that the rest of the voters will come forward to execute their responsibility as voters, we would like to ensure that things will be safe,” Hazani added.

He said that more than 7,000 police officers are assigned to assist during state elections, assisted by members of Rela, while 1,890 members of security personnel including armed forces, police officers and officers from the Malaysian Maritime Control Agency are patrolling the maritime borders. and ground under Ops Benteng.

In another matter, Hazani said a total of 193 police reports related to electoral crimes had been received as of midnight Friday when the campaign period ended.

He said 58 investigative documents were opened mostly related to Section 500 of the Penal Code and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act, adding that the majority involved defamation using multimedia and social applications.

“Political supporters are also reminded not to provoke today, those who break the law will take action against them, no matter which side (they are on),” he warned.
