There is no entry for travelers from 3 countries.


PUTRAJAYA: Travelers from more countries will not be able to enter Malaysia, particularly during the winter season, with restrictions to be imposed on long-term pass holders from India, Indonesia and the Philippines from September 7, says the chief minister. Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (Photo).

Furthermore, he said, the Ministry of Health had been asked to do detailed planning on how Malaysia should deal with threats and challenges amid the possibility of a spike in Covid-19 cases during the winter season.

“We will follow the situation in other countries and if there is a rebound in positive cases, we will do the same (restrictions). This decision will be made based on the advice of the ministry, ”Ismail Sabri said at his press conference yesterday.

The minister said that the government had taken initiatives to tighten the borders and not allow the entry of people from the three countries.

Ismail Sabri said that long-term pass holders from the three countries would not be able to enter Malaysia following a spike in Covid-19 cases there and that the move was to prevent imported cases from spreading here.

The restriction, he added, would affect holders of permanent resident status, Malaysia My Second Home participants and expatriates, including holders of professional visit passes from India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Spouses of Malaysian nationals from these countries and students who were studying in Malaysian colleges and universities but were currently at home were also not allowed to enter Malaysia, the minister said.

“The special Cabinet committee is aware of the sudden increase in positive Covid-19 cases in certain countries.

“Today’s meeting decided to impose restrictions on the citizens of India, Indonesia and the Philippines from entering the country,” he said.

Ismail Sabri said the other challenge was how to prepare for the return of Malaysian citizens from countries experiencing winter, adding that this too needs to be looked at.

Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah had said that although Malaysia had Covid-19 infections under control, there was an increase in cases in countries where a cold climate was establishing itself, such as India, Korea. from the South, Japan, Spain and France.

Ismail Sabri also said that the agents of the local authorities would join the raids and checks carried out by the police in pubs, nightclubs and entertainment venues so that immediate action could be taken against errant operators.

He said the actions would include canceling or revoking their business licenses and closing them. He said authorities wanted this to be done because there was an increase in people caught in pub and nightclub activities that were still prohibited during the recovery motion control (MCO) order.

The minister noted that on August 31 alone, 600 people were arrested and slapped with compounds for these activities.

“This is the highest number of rape cases involving pub and disco activities recorded during the MCO recovery.

“The authorities are concerned about the increase in rape incidents as these activities are not yet allowed,” he added.

A total of 778 people were arrested on August 31, of whom 98 were detained, seven were allowed bail and 673 were granted compounds.

In addition to pub and nightclub activities, the compounds were also found to fail to meet physical distancing measures, operate businesses beyond permitted hours, and fail to record customer information.

Police also took action against two people who violated quarantine orders and against 16 people for not wearing face masks.
