There are no ceremonies to commemorate the birthday in light of Covid-19, says Selangor Sultan


KLANG: This year there will be no ceremony to mark the 75th birthday of Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah of Selangor, which falls on Friday (December 11).

In a press release issued by the Royal Office of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin said the events were not taking place due to the nation’s encounter with the Covid-19 pandemic.

“I have decided not to have any ceremony on my birthday this year,” Sultan Sharafuddin said, adding that the investiture ceremony would take place at a future date depending on the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic at that time.

The Ruler said that 2020 was a challenging year, especially having to face the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected the world.

“To add to our fear and anxiety, is that the enemy we are facing cannot be seen and has infected up to 67 million people worldwide to date and deaths have exceeded 1.5 million people.” .

“These numbers will increase day by day and are worrying, as we are still not sure when this pandemic will end,” Sultan Sharafuddin said.

Sultan Sharafuddin added that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed everyday life and forced everyone to accept the reality of living under new rules.

According to Sultan Sharafuddin, the Covid-19 pandemic has negatively affected the economy, not only here, but also around the world.

The decline of the nation’s economy has caused many people’s incomes to be compromised and some people to lose their jobs and source of income.

After this, Sultan Sharafuddin said that a large segment of his subjects faced difficulties in meeting their daily living expenses.

Sultan Sharafuddin also added that he was very sympathetic to the difficulties his subjects are currently facing.

“I always worry and monitor the problems of the people while constantly reminding Selangor Mentri Besar and my government to solve their problems (of the people) and to find ways to overcome the economic problems they face,” the president added.

The Sultan urged political leaders to go to the ground and identify the problems of the people and help them, especially those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, to overcome the problems.

“As Sultan of Selangor, I too feel the suffering people face and will always wish that the welfare and prosperity of my people be taken care of,” said Sultan Sharafudin.

The Ruler said that he hopes that the people will continue to be patient and calm in facing all the trials and that the calamity that has struck everyone will soon dissipate so that lives will return to normal.

“I appeal to my Muslim subjects to always pray and perform solat hajat and to my subjects, who are not Muslims, to also pray according to their respective religious beliefs.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to convey my gratitude to all the doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and front-line personnel who have tirelessly fulfilled their duties to treat those infected with Covid-19 and prevent the spread of this pandemic. ‘ said Sultan Sharafuddin.

The Governor added that, given their sacrifices, he has decided to confer on them the various state awards and medals. Sultan Sharafuddin said the awards will hopefully boost the morale of the leaders to carry on their duties with dedication.

He also recommended that everyone continue to be disciplined to live their lives in accordance with the new rules, as well as strictly adhere to all standard operating procedures stipulated by the Ministry of Health and relevant authorities.

“I hope that the risk of infection by Covid-19 can be reduced and later eradicated from our country,” he added.
