The world’s most powerful camera for taking 3,200 megapixel images of the night sky


For the first time, test photographs at 3.2 gigapixel resolution were taken using a giant focal plane equipped with 189 sensors at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California, USA. The new giant camera will soon be installed at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, which is under construction in Chile, where it will be used to take pictures of the night sky with a level of detail never before obtained.

Expected to be fully operational in 2022, the new observatory will be used to compile a vast map of the night sky that will provide researchers with a trove of data that can elucidate some of the secrets of the universe.

The images to be taken at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will be so large that it would take 378 high-end 4K televisions to display just one in its entirety. The designers of the new camera also note that it is sensitive enough to capture a golf ball from a distance of more than 15 miles.

Another revealing comparison is the image resolution that can be obtained with a modern smartphone. They are typically between 12 megapixels for entry-level devices and 108 megapixels for the most advanced models on the market.

A video about the new giant camera:

– AFP Relaxnews
