The use of the sedition law against Liu mind-boggling


YOUR OPINION | “This is simply driven by the desire to smear DAP in the eyes of the Malaysian voter base.”

‘Sedition’ against Agong: DAP representative released on police bail after questioning

EM: The arrest of Sungai Pelek Assemblyman Ronnie Liu in the wake of the Bersatu three main lights measure to “induce” Yang di-Pertuan Agong to carelessly proclaim a state of emergency is significant.

And in the spirit of the action, editors of all media, online and print, who reported on the demonstrations against the Thai king should be similarly arrested.

Who knows what they had in mind when they described the loud and persistent demonstrations with images and newscasts of crowds waving banners showing their unhappiness against the monarch?

That is why nothing less than arrests and lengthy interrogations will reveal what they had in mind.

And while they are at it, I think it will send a timely message if a certain Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is also arrested for inciting Malaysians against royalty in 1992.

I do not know if there is a statute of limitations that prevents the authorities from acting against such flagrant and concerted incitement, which includes hostile stories in the New times of the Strait and speeches by various deputies from Umno.

His words and actions have been preserved for reference in the Hansard and on the web.

GreenViper4010: This whole sad affair is driven simply by the desire to smear the DAP in the eyes of the Malaysian voter base.

The “accusation” is unfounded and motivated by a desire to generate publicity around an alleged “disrespect” for Malaysian institutions, religion and race. Sedition is simply a red flag tag to increase publicity.

What a stupid thing. What a waste. What a pity.

Proarte: The fingerprints of Interior Minister Hamzah Zainudin are everywhere in this scam. There is simply no logic to this arrest.

What did Liu say was seditious? Yes, the protesters in Bangkok said no to their king and this was widely aired in the world media. They want to limit the powers of the Thai king.

What is the link with Malaysia and our Agong? There are none, so there is no need to waste police time. Our focus should be on dealing with the Covid pandemic and not fabricating fake issues to go after the opposition.

Hmmmmmmmm: I’m pretty sure the court will only take one person’s comments at face value. It is not their job to delve into what the person was thinking when they posted those comments.

In any case, it will be impossible to prove something sinister here, as Liu was simply saying what has been widely reported in the newspapers.

Eyes wide open: I really wonder why Liu needed to post that on his Facebook when it has nothing to do with his constituency or even us.

Why do you need to shake things up, or hint to yourself that you are shaking things up, when you should focus on helping your electorate and the Selangor government overcome Covid-19 and the economic crisis?

I firmly believe in freedom of expression. But we should be responsible for what we write. I’m not saying I’m wrong, I’m just questioning the purpose of that post.

That said, I also don’t agree with being arrested for sedition and it’s a heavy hand from the police.

But getting back to my point, what is the true purpose of your post? To tell us what is happening in Thailand? Did we vote a guy for office so we know what rally is going on around the world instead of serving constituencies here?

OrangeCarp6769: @Eyes Wide Open, posting what you like on Facebook does not equate you to loafing around and not doing your work for the electorate. For me, these are two different issues.

I am less concerned about what is the intention of each MP who posts their personal / non-personal opinions on FB / Twitter / TikTok / Instagram, but I am concerned about the simple fact that the arrest was made without any solid basis or reason.

Since when has it become a priority for each social media post to be scrutinized for possible seditious intent?

Ipohcrite: I thought the police knew better not to waste their valuable time investigating unfounded police reports. Well, apparently not.

I believe that those who filed police complaints should be charged with frivolous complaints and abuse of process. Otherwise, those who are inclined to create political shenanigans would be encouraged to continue their shenanigans.

The Attorney General’s Office must pay attention to these developments and act decisively to throw the book at them. No public institution should go into debt or be abused by any political group or individuals.

Be a man: Some people see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear, even when what they actually see or hear is something else. There is not much that can be done with these people.

Yes, the police must investigate every time a report is made. However, the police should go one step further. If the report turns out to be unfounded, the police should investigate the reporters for malicious intent.

If there are malicious intentions, they should be charged for false reports. In this way, there will be fewer police reports of this type.

Farmind: Make sure the police arrest editors and owners of all major media outlets when they report similar news.

Don’t forget also the thousands and thousands of people who report on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. All are allegedly guilty of sedition when speaking of the King of Thailand and his poodle.

AnakJB: This is a political battle to further demonize the DAP for being anti-Malay and anti-royalty. Unfortunately, this loose cannon, Liu, will not stop firing its mouth and giving you the opportunity.

For me, the statement made by the president of Dewan Negara, Rais Yatim interrogation the attorney general, and indirectly inferring the state of emergency is the cabinet call (and that the Agong will act in accordance with cabinet advice), is a clearer case of sedition. Why wouldn’t it be investigated anyway?

CucuMalaysia: Rais Yatim’s interrogation is not only seditious for the Agong but also for all the rulers whom the Agong consulted on the issue of the emergency. This is more serious since he inferred the nine sultans and not just the Agong.

New day: Branding is one thing. The truth is another.

Have you read or even heard what some eminent Malays are saying now: that politically demonizing DAP was a multi-generational fairy tale? Mahathir is one of those who admits his past sins in this. I am ashamed of some of my fellow Malaysians.

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