The truce is maintained, all the ministers of the Umno will remain in the cabinet, says Zahid


Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says the party decided last night that general elections should be held once the Covid-19 pandemic is under control.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno says the party ministers will remain in the cabinet led by Perikatan Nasional amid speculation that they would be asked to resign.

In a statement following a five-hour meeting of the Supreme Council last night, party chairman Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the party also decided that general elections should be held once the Covid-19 pandemic is under control.

He again emphasized the need for national reconciliation and a political ceasefire as the country continues to fight the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure the well-being and political stability of the people.

Zahid reiterated that Umno fully supported the decree of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Conference of Rulers for the country to be governed based on the constitution.

He said that the party will also take into consideration people’s wish list for Budget 2021, such as the extension of the loan moratorium, Covid-19 aid, financial aid for those who lost their jobs, special help for those who they are in the front line and initiatives to boost economic growth.

“Umno will make sure a 2021 Budget beneficial to the rakyat is passed,” he said.

Zahid said that Umno will not hesitate to take action against any sector that questions the party’s decision to support the King’s council.

Last night’s Supreme Council meeting came amid speculation that the party was considering various names to be put forward as its nominee for the post of Deputy Prime Minister (DPM).

It was the second meeting of the Umno Supreme Council in four days. On Monday, it met to decide the direction of Barisan Nasional after the King decided on Sunday that it was not necessary to declare a state of emergency to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yesterday, a high-ranking Umno leader said that his party must have the last word on who becomes DPM.

Before last night’s meeting, speculation abounded that Umno would also push for a cabinet shakeup.

As one party member told the FMT, there were problems with the current Umno ministers group, as the appointments had not adhered to the party hierarchy.

Last night’s meeting started around 8pm and was attended by several members of the Supreme Council of Umno, including Noh Omar, Shahidan Kassim, Zahidi Zainul Abidin, Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, Ahmad Shabery Cheek , Razali Ibrahim, Ahmad Said and Jalaluddin Alias.
