The suspension of Parliament does not have to be limited to times of emergency or internal conflicts, says Pandikar


KOTA KINABALU: The interpretation that Parliament can only be suspended or extended during an emergency or internal conflict is outdated, says former Dewan Rakyat spokesperson Tan Sri Pandikar Amin.

He said that the current situation facing the nation with the Covid-19 pandemic and economic challenges should generate “outside the box” thinking and people should not get caught up in the old ways of handling problems that arise.

“Some people’s interpretation that Parliament can only defer during emergency situations like riots and damage to public property is not a smart way to look at it.

“The current Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on the economy can be interpreted as an emergency situation, as it is causing a lot of damage to the stability of the country and its economy,” Pandikar said in a statement on Friday (October 16) .

He was responding to Dewan Rakyat’s former chairman, Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Md Yusoff, who said that it was not necessary to suspend Parliament to revive the economy and ensure political stability.

Mohamad Ariff said that the extension of Parliament was only in emergency situations, such as unrest during civil unrest, adding that the extension should not be used as an exercise to protect the government from scrutiny by MPs.

Pandikar said that all articles of the Constitution are in the interest of protecting the security, well-being of the people and the country, adding that any interpretation should not be limited to certain points of view.

He added that, as such, the spirit of using Article 55 (2) to prorogue Parliament in light of the current threat of Covis-19 was in keeping with the idea of ​​protecting the interests of the people and the nation.

Pandikar said that the pandemic affecting people’s health and the economy was not easy to overcome and not only Malaysia faces the challenge, but also other countries in the world.

“Prolonging Parliament would be in line with public policy of keeping Malaysians safe, especially with the third wave of the pandemic hitting the country,” Pandikar said, adding that the laws were “man-made” and should be interpreted. according to the times.

On Thursday (October 15), Pandikar suggested a unity government with the suspension of Parliament.

He said the move to create a unity government with the opposition would ensure that the current Perikatan Nasional government is not trying to extend its grip on power.

He said that holding general elections at this time was not the best option, as the threat from the virus remains serious.
