The second wave hits the nation as complacency sets in


YOURS | “I see a lot of restaurants where customers don’t even wear a mask or practice physical distancing.”

DG: This is probably the beginning of a new wave.

EM: This second wave was seeded by selfish and rude politicians and their facilitators … and a thoughtless population following the example of their leaders.

It could have been avoided if complacency hadn’t taken hold of the Health Ministry and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

The Director General of Health (DG), Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, and Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin have obviously learned to feed each other, one enjoying the praise for their public handling of the situation and the other increasing their political ratings using relatively low figures.

Until complacency mixed with arrogance set in, a fact proven by his ignorance of the blatant antics of the Minister of Plantation and Commodity Industries Khairuddin Aman Razali (which has been serially ignored by the Attorney General’s Office) and then allowing, for purely political reasons, the entry of the infected from Sabah.

One would have thought that the two of them would have decided not to do what they did for the good of the general population, but as the obedient servant that the DG is, and the desperate and power-hungry politician that Muhyiddin has always been, they deviated from the rules. to accommodate their own agendas. They ignored the known facts of the contagion and his second coming with a vengeance.

And now the rest of the country, a prisoner of imbecility, has to pay the price, and some will, with their lives.

IndigoKite6964: The writing is done. Now it is too late and we cannot turn back time. Those very, very irresponsible people (VVIP) have returned from Sabah and are among us.

Let’s stay calm, but never forget what happened. There will be a time when we can do something about it, besides just commenting.

Since politicians have failed us when it comes to preventing Covid-19, we must now save the day and the economy. Let’s do what is necessary to avoid contracting the disease ourselves and not transmitting it. Stay safe, everyone.

Salvage Malaysia: Most cases are caused by disorder such as prisons, detention camps, etc., where physical distancing is hardly practiced, and worse still, in political rallies and campaigns.

I see a lot of restaurants where customers don’t even wear a mask or practice physical distancing. Where is the application?

The Ministry of Health continues to remind the public to adhere to the standard operating procedure (SOP). In general, most of us are adhering quite well. The worst culprits are politicians.

Mocacola: Didn’t you see this coming? It doesn’t take an Einstein to see the effects of the elections in Sabah, and now former Sabah Prime Minister Shafie Apdal is apologizing for it.

The curve was flattening out and we can feel the Malaysians starting to feel higher, more positive about surviving this battle. We can feel how Malaysians have benefited emotionally, mentally and even financially when the lockdown was lifted. We were struggling, some unlucky ones had a worse time.

Now, thanks to politicians, ministers whose work could possibly be done better with properly educated young people, thanks to their greed, we are again faced with our horror of the past. Maybe even worse this time.

Ipoh PP: Consider who caused the state elections in Sabah. Wasn’t it the jumping frogs? Who was responsible for dropping the charges against the alleged ‘thief’ and putting him on a mission to destabilize Sabah?

The full blame must go to the Putrajaya.

Snowman: Our politicians, by virtue and right, should be setting a good example to the people when it comes to complying with the Covid-19 SOPs. Instead, they are too busy politicking and feeding their own ego, thirst for wealth, and hunger for power.

Just look at their campaign photos, no social distancing, and some of them even took off their masks. Yet they speak of how great the state and country will be under his fantastic leadership.

They knew all of their press conferences will get a lot of attention, but none of them use them to educate and inform people (who said they loved and cared about) the importance of adhering to security protocols.

Without the Director General and his team of obsessively dedicated people from the Ministry of Health (and I’m not referring to the Minister of Hot Water himself), we would be done.

I think, therefore I exist: Noor Hisham, as Director General of Health, how did you allow this to reach this level? You were negligent with the irresponsible members of the cabinet and with the wealthy politicians.

You were like any other servile civil servant guarding his plate of rice, while the people, who pay your salary, do not matter. What teachers want, they get.

If the royal mandate of the people were in power now, he would face disciplinary action for breach of duty. I repeat this as I have said elsewhere.

Mazilamani: Blaming the DG is as good as discrediting the good work of leaders who have been risking their lives and health for the past seven months.

Why not blame the irresponsible and undisciplined Malaysians who feel it is fashionable to ignore the advice and guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

Let me ask how many working adults head straight for the shower after returning from work, and without thinking twice about the harm done to family members, especially the elderly and children. This happens in many homes.

What’s so important about interstate travel on long weekends and organizing family functions during the pandemic? It has nothing to do with ignorance but with a purely idiotic attitude.

Are these people aware of the energy problem and the expenses that the government incurs with each victim of Covid-19?

We cannot afford another MCO (motion control order) to stop industries and businesses and face the aftermath.

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