The psychological and mental crisis of society will be raised today in Parliament


KUALA LUMPUR: The growing psychological and mental crisis in a society that is pressured by loss of income, being away from family and anxiety about the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, are some of the problems that are expected to arise in today’s Dewan Rakyat session.

According to the Order of the Meeting, the matter will be raised during the Ministers’ Question Time (MQT) through a question from Shaharizukirnain Abd Kadir (PAS-Setiu) to the Minister for Women, Family and Community Development about efforts to address the crisis. .

During the same session, Ahmad Fahmi Mohamed Fadzil (PH-Lembah Pantai) will ask the Prime Minister if the government intends to allow Dewan Rakyat to debate the annual report of the Commission on Human Rights (SUHAKAM), as was done the year past.

Che Alias ​​Hamid (PAS-Kemaman) will also discuss with the Prime Minister the state preparedness of the National Disaster Management Agency (Nadma) to deal with the floods this monsoon season, as well as compliance with standard operating procedures (SOP) to prevent the spread of the virus in flood evacuation centers.

Meanwhile, during the oral question and answer session, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid (BN-Padang Terap) will ask the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation to indicate the role of the ministry in assisting the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA ) to ensure smart agriculture initiatives can be implemented.

The oral question-and-answer session will continue with the debate and settlement of the Supply Law Project 2021 at the committee stage by three ministries, namely the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Unity and the Ministry of Industry, Plantation and Basic Products.

As of yesterday, the allocation for the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM) and the Ministry of Finance in the 2021 Budget was approved at the committee stage through a block vote in which more than 100 MPs voted in favor of the bill, while 95 voted against. .

The block vote was carried out after more than 15 MPs stood up and asked for it after a majority vote.

According to Dewan Rakyat’s schedule, the debating session will continue for 10 days until December 15, while the third session of the third term of the 14th Parliament will be 29 days until December 17. Called
