The problem with our ‘honorable’ YB


YOUR OPINION | “The politicians we all think do not deserve to be elected continue to be voted on repeatedly.”

COMMENT | Are our elected representatives worthy of being called YB?

EM: There are two connected reasons for the problem of having these “Yang Berhormat” (YB) as members of parliament (MP) that the writer K Pakaran has described: ignorance and laziness.

Most of the foolish representatives of urban Malays have come to hate, they are elected in rural and semi-rural districts where ignorance is endemic and feudal instincts are strong.

In urban areas where there really is no dearth of information sharing among a relatively better educated population, the problem arises from the tendency of voters to blindly vote for the party rather than for individuals.

This is due to the basic laziness of voters to investigate and reject those who are not worthy of their votes. In many cases, the blind vote for a particular urban candidate is fueled by repressed contempt for the opposing party, often the ruling party.

So unless there is increased and intense scrutiny of the candidates by the truly independent media, NGOs and activists, nothing will change: Malays will continue to reap the bitter harvest of thieves, scammers and tailless amphibians by the that the country is now known.

15572988: Pakaran said it very well and it is a reality that most of the MPs that we have now were not elected by the rakyat to be in Parliament.

This group of MPs includes traitors and those facing criminal charges who entered through the back door of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.

So at the end of the day, we have a Parliament that consists of hooligans rather than big name MPs.

Before: This has been one of the most objective and optimistic comments I have read so far.

Although Pakaran is shedding light on the intolerable bad behaviors of the deputies of our current ruling party, he did not hesitate to point out that these behaviors are present in both divisions.

More importantly, he didn’t just blame the ruling party for not taking action. It also reminded us that we actually have the power to vote for people who are not fit for the YB title.

On that note, I strongly believe that MPs should still be awarded the YB title. However, it is our responsibility to call and vote for MPs who misbehave so they do not tarnish the YB title.

GrayPuma6770: YB or not, your actions and speech will determine if they are worthy of the title. Many MPs do not even respect the different points of view of their opponents in Parliament.

Some even dare to launch sexist and racist comments that obviously do not even adhere to the simplest basic provisions of privileged speech, blatantly violating the sanctity of the House.

This is not the wrestling ring. In fact, these YBs put the country to shame.

Bani Adam: The problem is that some of them, although they are not courteous to their fellow MPs, have strong grassroots support. Even some of your constituents don’t care how your elected deputies behave in Parliament.

Therefore, a total reset of the mindset is needed. Only when the rakyat demands it will the entire political scene change.

Hobo60: Vote those dishonorable, dishonest, and shameful YBs once and for all.

They only know how to use foul language and launch personal attacks against each other and rarely use their time in parliamentary sessions to engage in meaningful discussions related to the welfare of the rakyat they represent.

They waste their time and still get paid. They are cheating us and this time, we have to prepare and vote for those rioters no matter what parties they come from.

Remember, we will not see them again in our Parliament. They are an embarrassment to your family and our nation.

Chelsea Poh: Despite their shameful conduct and dubious track records, politicians we all think don’t deserve the jobs continue to be voted in repeatedly.

So it goes back to the root of the problem: a lack of political awareness and maturity among voters.

Instead of critically analyzing and evaluating the performance of their deputies, it is the voters themselves who blindly support them.

This will continue to happen if the government does not take any action to renew the education system, and if a generation is produced with critical thinking skills, etc.

Partner from Malaysia: We all know the MPs who labeled others as “pork“(Pork),”dog” (dog), “Dark”(Dark) or“ stupid ”.

But the problem is that despite all the obscene language and clown behavior these idiots have displayed in Parliament, these cockalorums will still be re-elected in the next general election.

So I think the voters are to blame. After 63 years of lethargy, Malaysians must wake up and realize that it is our innate duty to elect our MPs responsibly.

I think, therefore I exist: This comment is well articulated. Our politicians are plagued with all kinds of scandals, except for a few.

Very few have a Malay agenda. It is time for the people to take over the government. It will only be a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Just a Malaysian: In our society, there is unfortunately a premium for people with so-called crude male Trait (male): the guts to interrupt and excite when things don’t go their way.

This is a sign of emotional immaturity and all those yelling and screaming are taken as bravery by some. It masks her inferiority complex and allows a kind of shallow pounding on her chest.

Our YBs still have some way of evolving into a more thoughtful, civilized, and mature debater.

Doc: Simply put, today’s YB does not mean “Yang Berhormat” but “Yang Bodoh”.

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