The problem is not halal meats, but bribery and corruption.


YOUR OPINION | ‘Who controls halal certifications? Who are the corrupt?

Youth leaders urge government to expose halal meat cartel players

Malaysia Bharu: It is inconceivable that one of the highest principles of Islam relating to haram and halal has been knowingly violated and the authorities are seen as dragging themselves to get to the bottom of the matter.

It is also puzzling that this sacrilege against Muslims has supposedly been in place for 40 years and none of them seem to be the wiser.

And interestingly enough, instead of top Malaysian leaders and law enforcement authorities, including Islamic ones, springing into action, what we have are junior party delegates whining and complaining about their attention. masters.

This whole fiasco is so shocking and ironic, as only recently was there an uproar among some bigots to shut down the non-halal section from a supermarket because it was located in a mostly Malay area. Double standards or hypocrisy is just mind blowing.

Citizen: Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, head of the Umno Youth, don’t pretend you don’t know the identities of the cartels involved. They must be Muslim as they have the license to import halal meats.

By consuming the carcasses of horses, kangaroos, and cows after they have died from any disease, they can be guilty of spreading infectious diseases.

Do the Islamic world a favor and catch these corrupt meat importers.

What her name: Asyraf, I agree with you that the names of the cartels and VVIP should be exposed and shamed. Actions must be taken. Imprison them, fine them or even broken (reed) them.

However, after all this, can you reverse the damage that has been done? Especially Muslims who have already consumed non-halal meat for the last 40 years in this country, and perhaps still consume it to this day.

Asyraf, your party leaders have already done the damage due to greed. Once greed rules your mind, religion goes out the back door.

In reality, the sayings “what is given, turns around” and “what is sown is reaped” seems very true in this case.

FYI, this meat cartel has been operating here forever. This is because corruption is a lifelong pandemic in Malaysia as there is no mRNA vaccine for it.

Sinecure: Leaving aside the lack of updates from the authorities on the culprits, the most interesting or disturbing thing is the lack of information in the media and the demands of their apathetic leaders about what products could have been contaminated. So much so that I saw a statement circulating online by Ramly Burger saying that their burgers are safe.

All Malaysians have a right to know which products are affected, as some may not want to eat kangaroo or horse meat. In the West, products are immediately removed from the shelves, if suspected, and detailed descriptions are provided, although they do not involve God.

Coward: It is the non-transparent process that is partly to blame. While I have no doubt that some are completely fraudulent, there are borderline cases.

The lack of transparency allowed both types of cases to be grouped and declared fraudulent. We need to separate them. Fraudulent cases, of course, must be stopped. But the religious authority that had to make a decision on borderline cases needs our support.

By their nature, these decisions are difficult to make and will not appeal to everyone. The only way is to instill confidence in the process.

Making decisions behind closed doors, adopting a “I know better than you” and “don’t question my decision” attitude, and staying quiet or treating the public like crap when they ask questions does not help instill confidence. It leads to problems like this.

Instead of worrying about whether Christmas messages can be displayed in public, the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) should focus on educating the public about its important role in maintaining the reliability of the halal standard, especially as Malaysia has the ambition and potential to become a halal center.

So far, all I see are little fights over Christmas messages, and that doesn’t inspire confidence in the international sphere. If this continues, we will be losing the fight to be the world’s halal authorities, losing even to London, which had the same ambition, or worse, to Singapore due to poor decision making.

Wsoi: Who controls halal certifications? Who are the corrupt? As long as race and religion are used to marginalize others, the entire community will regress further.

Those in power are too selfish with their money and their positions. The Malays of the B40 (bottom 40 percent) must rise to the occasion and oust all these greedy BN and Perikatan Nasional (PN) politicians from power. But instead, Pakatan Harapan was expelled. So, prepare to suffer more.

FairMalaysian: Don’t tell me I’ve been eating kangaroo meat or horse meat posing as lamb. No wonder my wife complained that they never tasted like lamb or mutton.

Some restaurants have been selling lamb dishes mixed with beef. I remember that years ago there was an inspection and some restorers were arrested, but that was it, there was no follow-up.

I have stopped eating lamb dishes in restaurants for years unless I personally know the owners. These owners, some of them Muslim but respecting my right and my faith, have personally entrusted me that the meat vendors do mix the meat for extra profit and, as is the case at the “source”, there is not much they can do.

It’s funny though, after having eaten lamb my whole life, a friend offered us lamb curry one day when my wife and I visited. Even before serving, he exclaimed that it was more like anything else except lamb, and to my horror we knew at first glance that it wasn’t lamb. She just threw it, everything.

I had a strict upbringing, no pork, no beef, and I took my mother’s advice with me when I was in London and I follow it strictly to this day. But with these kinds of deceptive practices, is it worth the attempt to adhere to my education?

When our father told us not to eat at mamak restaurants for fear of this meat confusion, it didn’t stop some of us from sneaking out to eat our roti canai and teh tarik but of course only with dhal. These days, I only eat in Muslim restaurants when I have dinner with my Muslim friends.

Let me tell you something that has excited me. The wonderful Muslim friends I have had have always respected my beliefs and made sure that they give me food that is not beef.

It’s a great feeling that they understand my background and make sure my belief is respected. That is something I appreciate, mutual respect and friendship.

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