The Prime Minister of Singapore will address the nation on Covid-19 on Monday (Dec 14); only seven imported cases reported


SINGAPORE, Dec.13 (The Straits Times / ANN): Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will address the nation at 5 p.m. on Monday (Dec 14) to give an update on the Covid-19 situation and outlook for next year.

The co-chairs of the ministerial working group tackling the pandemic, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong and Education Minister Lawrence Wong, will hold a press conference immediately after, he said in a Facebook post.

“It has been some time since my last address on Covid-19,” Lee wrote. “But please stay calm, you don’t need to stock up on anything!”

Since last month, the pandemic has been well controlled in the Republic. Local cases have been declining more and more. The cases reported were also mostly imported cases and all were in single digits.

On Sunday (December 13), seven new coronavirus cases were confirmed at noon, bringing Singapore’s total to 58,320.

All were imported cases that had been listed on stay-at-home notices upon arrival in Singapore.

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) did not announce any cases from the community or inside the workers’ bedrooms on Sunday.

It was almost similar on Saturday (December 12). Eight new cases of coronavirus were reported on Saturday.

All were imported cases that had been placed on stay-at-home notices or isolated upon arrival in Singapore, the Health Ministry said.

Saturday’s cases included five Singaporeans and one Singaporean permanent resident who had returned from Nepal, Britain and India.

Seven new coronavirus cases were confirmed at noon on Sunday (December 13) and all were imported cases, bringing Singapore's total to 58,320.  - The Straits Times / ANNSeven new coronavirus cases were confirmed at noon on Sunday (December 13) and all were imported cases, bringing Singapore’s total to 58,320. – The Straits Times / ANN

Throughout this year, Prime Minister Lee has made several major speeches outlining Singapore’s plan to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic.

In his first such speech on February 8, he urged Singaporeans to stand their ground against what was then a new and relatively unknown virus.

Just over a month later, he warned that stricter measures might be necessary, as it appeared that the pandemic would continue for some time.

This was followed by his announcement of the circuit breaker on April 3. All schools and most workplaces were closed, with social interactions and movement outside the home severely limited in an effort to stop the spread of the virus.

Lee added a special appeal for the elderly several days later, urging them to stay home for their own safety.

On April 21, the Prime Minister announced that the circuit breaker would be widened as the total number of cases continued to rise, especially in migrant worker dormitories.

Lee, along with Chief Ministers Teo Chee Hean and Tharman Shanmugaratnam, as well as Vice Premier Heng Swee Keat, Minister of Commerce and Industry Chan Chun Sing and Minister of Education Lawrence Wong, also held a series of national broadcasts on the future post Covid-19 from Singapore. .

In June, he also explained why he had decided to call a general election on July 10 despite the pandemic. – The Straits Times / Asian News Network
