The Pope announces a consistory for the creation of 13 new cardinals


On November 28, there will be 13 new additions to the College of Cardinals: 9 are under the age of 80, among them the Guardian of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, Father Mauro Gambetti.

By Vatican News

The Church will have thirteen new cardinals. Nine of them are under 80 years of age and therefore have the right to participate in a future conclave. Another four are over 80 years old. Pope Francis’ announcement was a surprise, after the Angelus was recited on Sunday, October 25. He communicated the news about the creation of the new cardinals to the faithful present in St. Peter’s Square, as well as to those connected around the world.

Two of the new cardinals work in the Roman Curia: the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Maltese Mario Grech and italian Marcello semeraro, former bishop of Albano and new prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

They are joined by six other pastors of the Church from around the world: the Archbishop of Kigali, Rwanda, Antoine kambanda; the Archbishop of Washington, United States, Wilton gregory; the Archbishop of Capiz, in the Philippines, Jose Fuerte Advincula; the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, Celestino Aós Braco; the Apostolic Vicar of Brunei, Huntersville Sim; the Archbishop of Siena, Italy, Augusto Paolo Lojudice.

In addition, the Pope has also appointed the current Guardian of the Holy Franciscan Convent of Assisi, Mauro gambetti.

To these Cardinals under the age of 80, Pope Francis has also added four other Cardinals over the age of 80. They are: Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel, Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristóbal de Las Casas (Mexico); former Apostolic Nuncio Silvano Tomasi, former permanent observer of the United Nations in Geneva who later worked in the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development; Capuchin father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the Papal House; and the priest of the Sanctuary of Divine Love, Father Enrico Feroci.

Cardinals wear the color red that indicates their willingness to sacrifice to the shed, that is, to the point of shedding their own blood, at the service of the Successor of Peter, and although they reside in the most remote regions of the world, they become holders of a parish in the Eternal City to be incardinated in the Church of the one that the Pope is Bishop.

Reproduction of the Angelus with announcement of the Consistory for 13 new cardinals
