The only way out is for Harapan to prepare for GE15


YOUR OPINION | “Just let them fight each other, the negative repercussions will enrage the rakyat.”

Najib: Support for Anwar only if it does not involve DAP

Pua Says Najib-Backed Government May ‘Go To Hell’ But Amanah Veep Says Not Bad

FairMalaysian: Former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, look around. Do we look foolish? And PKR President Anwar Ibrahim would be the dumbest person in the world if he had to strike a chord with Umno without the DAP.

Yes, there are differences between the Pakatan Harapan parties, but not serious enough to separate. Look at how Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is at Umno’s beck and call. I wonder if he will get a single night’s sleep.

This is the way Umno separates Harapan. I’m not sure what and why Anwar did what he did, but what I am very sure and clear about is that he has sent the Perikatan Nasional (PN) parties to seek refuge and it is like a daily pinch affair to determine what . is real and what is not.

No matter what they say about Anwar, he is a genius. I’m pretty sure Anwar wouldn’t be such a fool if he were fooled by someone from a bygone age.

Also, Umno hadn’t reformed and frankly, he’s just not capable of reforming himself. They are too immersed in a feudal-type warlord culture and the land has to be crushed before they give up the comfortable and easy life they “won” during the “heavenly” years of Umno.

So is it any wonder that a party that has been dictating the political landscape for 60 years is hit hard enough to mislead it?

He is now rudderless, and if he continues on his wayward ways, it will be what former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad once said: the inevitable withdrawal or expulsion. I wish to be kinder in my words than Mahathir. However, what is shocking is the reckless way in which they believe everything would work out.

Umno’s future is fraught with uncertainties. What was to be a void match has received some oxygen from the ongoing disputes between the Malaysian parties who came together to “save” the Malays, but I doubt that even the Malays still believe that.

Pejuang was a canceled entity (not registered as a party) even before it began until all this disturbing “unity” between the PN (or Muafakat Nasional) coalition partners was disfigured. Now, it seems that Pejuang may have a new lease of life after all. In his greed to take over everything, Bersatu may lose everything.

Harapan should stand by and calmly watch the fun – by the end of this year, it will be a boundless “tinju” (boxing) where they will be ruined. I’m not kidding, that’s what the stars tell me.

I was told about the dramatic events of late October / early November and it is happening, but it is not over yet. When there is greed, dishonesty and insincerity, not even the gods will help.

Let’s see at the end of the day who has the last laugh. Do you think our recalcitrant politicians will ever learn and change? It has to be forced.

IndigoKucing8924: No DAP, Najib? That’s because they are absolutely terrified of the DAP’s oversight of their corrupt antics and thefts.

Yes, one does not like sticky fingers stuck in the box. You don’t like to be told that the country’s coffers are not your personal piggy bank. One does not like it being pointed out that the Constitution does not confer an apartheid-type right on anyone.

Yes, the DAP ministers did their job meticulously, almost Singapore-style. Unfortunately, the DAP could not wear the robes of power with the same humility. DAP leader Lim Guan Eng should have stopped wailing like a banshee to all Umno / BN. Why?

Because you have stifled the talent of your own kind. Overwhelming political positions with large anointed salaries for some who would likely be out of work otherwise. You didn’t like being shown less than mediocre.

It’s jealousy … can’t you see it? We would be paying for tax tragedies for generations, if we were not pursued by Damansara MP Tony Pua. Smart boy but can seem dismissively arrogant.

A particular section of society would be poorer than the mice of the church. They are still voting for those grotesque fat cats who defend race and religion as the country slides down the banana highway into oblivion. Our best and smartest would have long since disappeared.

MoonMan54: Didn’t he take the DAP out of the hand of Mahathir (the reason this country is in this state), his arch enemy?

Yet after all the backstabbing and stabbing that has happened to Anwar and Harapan, Anwar remains relentless in his attempt to roll back the mismanaged government and lift it out of the misery it continues to face.

That said, Anwar must have good Malaysians to support him, especially the Malays themselves. For that to happen, he is also willing to sleep with enemies, like the old man in 2018.

My bet is that Anwar is a safer human being than Mahathir. Anwar may never be prime minister as long as these undercurrents exist and certainly Najib is not among these undercurrents because he is already sentenced with a jail sentence on his head.

I also believe that Najib’s hatred for the DAP is more personal than political, that it is not the “same” hatred he feels for the old man. But his “good” influence among Malaysians remains intact and can help Malaysia get back on the path to a better Malaysia for all.

DAP is a strong and well-managed party, but perhaps it can only be strong in Penang. And Penang alone cannot determine the future of Malaysia, unless it changes its name to serve Malaysians from all walks of life, at least in Peninsular Malaysia.

Anwar can, and should be, supported in every way possible as Malaysians … as we did in 2018.

YellowKancil0052: I agree with Pua. Any cooperation with Najib in particular should be off the table. Najib, son of Razak, is the greatest traitor in the history of the country. It’s amazing that they still haven’t put him in the jail where he belongs.

It’s doubly surprising that Umno still keeps him in their ranks. Already convicted of a heinous crime, why do they still want to count him as a classified member?

Evidence: I also agree with Pua. Great lesson learned after having taken the old man’s hand. If the mainland continent wants to emulate Sabah and vote against DAP, then the mainland ones deserve the mess they are in now.

How can Penang determine the future of the continent? The DAP is doing everything possible to make Malaysia a better place for our future generations. It’s about options. Penang has chosen the DAP to manage its state and it is very well managed, thank you.

Penang residents are very grateful and will definitely vote for them again, in the next general election. So the lesson of “reflect and learn” basically applies to the voters of the peninsular continent. Like Sabah, you make your bed and lie in it.

Bobby0: What do you prefer then, Pua? A current administration with a combination of Umno, Bersatu and PAS that is leading the nation downhill and surely towards failure? Or at least a combination of PKR, Amanah, Warisan, Umno, and maybe the DAP that could at least give this nation some hope?

We have to put this nation at least on a safe path. Now he is heading down a road without direction. At least Najib would not have full control over the nation.

Anwar can start implementing laws, professionals dealing with GLCs (Government Linked Companies), make MACC and PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) accountable to Parliament, the education system in the right direction and many more changes least of all put this nation into recovery.

Sometimes the situation may not be perfect, but we have to make the most of each situation. Now, it is darkness after darkness in this nation. At least let a little light in.

EM: Najib has always been a practical man. And a practical man knows what is best for him at all times.

Practical men avoid principles that distill abstractions like good and evil. Practical men also know when to bow (or crouch) because their sights are always on the ultimate prize. The end always justifies the means. Practical men are also political in everything they say and do. And politics, as we know it, is the lifeblood of this country.

Unlike practical men, we have men of principle: hardened by belief, rigid, uncompromising, even fanatical. They like to see themselves as superior, willing to die for their beliefs. Martyrdom is one thing for them.

Men of principle are often angry men, continually taking positions, defending them loudly. Their minds, once closed, remain closed. His thoughts were constipated. They are always inflexible. Commitment is a dirty word, a vulgarism that cannot be uttered in their presence.

And then we have this simmering cauldron called Malaysia with fires lit very often by serial arsonists who enjoy watching the flames dance. It makes them feel powerful both when they light the fire and especially when they travel with hoses to put them out. Create the problem and then offer the solution. These men are neither principled nor practical. They just want to have fun and do something next door.

The country in its present state needs practical leaders who do rather than preach or sing. This in no way means that the transgressions of practical leaders are forgotten. Binding laws must run their course … both in principle and in practice.

The year 2018 saw the resurgence (after 1969) of the politics of convenience and compromise in an underdeveloped state. He lacked the sophistication required, and was therefore torn between principled and practical men … and the arsonists lurking around him. We know what happened then and how it all ended to get us to where we are today.

If lessons were learned then, they should be useful to us now. Otherwise, we will go through the cycle again, as F. Scott Fitzgerald said, moving against the current would take us incessantly to the past.

Undecided: By now Anwar should realize that the only thing Najib and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi cares about is pulling PKR out of the Harapan Plus coalition and waiting for the next general election. It’s about the future survival of Umno and his eventual return to royal power.

Leaders in both Umno and Bersatu are like poisonous snakes. Just let them fight each other until the next GE; the negative repercussions will enrage the rakyat.

In the meantime, unite the opposition forces and focus on a good strategy for GE15 to take back the government.

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