The number of marriages decreased, divorces increased in 2019


PUTRAJAYA: The number of marriages in 2019 decreased by 1.2 percent to 203,821 compared to 206,352 in 2018, the Marriage and Divorce Statistics, Malaysia, 2020 report revealed today.

The report, which presents statistics on marriage and divorce for 2018 and 2019 by demographic characteristics at the national, state and administrative district levels, also revealed that the number of divorces had increased 12 percent to 56,975 last year from 50,862 in 2018.

Commenting on the post, chief statistician Datuk Seri, Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, said that along with the decline in the number of marriages, the overall marriage rate for grooms decreased from 50.7 to 50.1 per one thousand inhabitants of single men aged 18 or over.

A similar trend was also registered for brides, where a decrease from 47.0 to 46.2 per thousand inhabitants of single women aged 16 and over was observed, it said in a statement.

Mohd Uzir said that the overall divorce rate for men increased to 7.2 per thousand inhabitants from 6.5 of married men aged 18 and over, with a similar trend also reported for women, increasing from 7.0 to 7.7 per thousand. Inhabitants of married women 16 years and over.

“The average age of the couple was kept at 28 years. The average age of brides increased from 26 years (2018) to 27 years (2019), ”he said.

Mohd Uzir said the increase in the average age of brides was also attributed to the mother’s average age at first birth which increased, 0.1 years from 27.8 in 2018 to 27.9 years in 2019.

“The current scenario shows that the trend towards late marriages is among those who are educated and work to strengthen their individual economic stability, especially those who live in urban areas,” he said, adding that this was in line with the increase in the rate. of urbanization in Malaysia. from 70.9% in 2010 to 76.2% in 2019.

Mohd Uzir said statistics also show that last year the oldest bride and groom were 93 and 86 years old.

“Approximately 0.3% of grooms aged 65 and over have married younger brides in the age group 24 or under, while 0.2% of brides aged 65 and over have married with younger boyfriends in the age group 24 and under, “he said.Called
