The new rule of FT liquor is to make PAS happy


YOUR OPINION | “Muhyiddin needs all the help he can get and doesn’t care if the policies cause difficulties for companies.”

FT DAP to gather objections to DBKL’s new liquor rule

Negative economic impact of KL liquor sales restrictions, groups warn

Vijay47: Consumers generally would not have cared about the restricted avenues where beer and liquor could be sold in Kuala Lumpur, we would have accepted that a little less in a good mood wouldn’t have set our clock too much back.

And in any case, we can always cross over to Selangor and Petaling Jaya, where sane minds can be expected to prevail.

But there is a small gift almost invisible in the pious justification of the mayor of Kuala Lumpur, who announced that the decision was made after consulting with various bodies, including the Islamic Religious Department of the Federal Territories.

What the hell does an Islamic agency have to do with an issue that, they incessantly claim, does not concern the Muslim community at all? Has the mayor decided that life, as we know it in Kuala Lumpur, should be governed by Muslim authorities?

We are all fully aware of the role played by bodies such as the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) in ‘enhancing’ harmony between multi-religious communities in Kuala Lumpur and the rest of the country.

We still vividly remember his savage opposition to Oktoberfest, Valentine’s Day cards, Heineken, and even Chinese New Year lanterns. These defenders of the faith easily discover windmills to lean over within each shadow.

So what will your next contribution be? The way to celebrate Thaipusam, the use of Latin in Christian worship, the color of the Sikh turbans and the sauce in kai fan (rice with chicken)?

And Justice for all: Before we start, let me clarify this, I don’t drink. What are you looking forward to when you put Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa in charge?

Of all the problems we face in the city, this is the one he sees the most critical. We have potholes in the middle of city roads, vandalism, homelessness, petty crime, drugs, and he is concerned about what people buy and take home to consume.

Doc: Let’s be realistic; This KL liquor restriction problem has only one function. This is to make the PAS leadership happy and satisfy the rank and file of their party.

This measure will show that PAS is contributing to the success of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government in strengthening the ummah.

After all, PAS has been peddling the notion that alcohol (and DAP) is the mother of all evil and the cause of the downfall of Malaysian society.

Don’t ask me or the minority of Malaysians with a certain level of intellect to understand how PAS’s theory that non-Muslims who consume alcohol are harmful to Muslims, but that’s the story they have been selling to their bases for years.

So what will be the negative outcome for PAS on your myopia by reducing liquor sales?

1) Foreign investors will not look to Malaysia for investment for fear that Islamists have taken over the government, which is probably true;

2) PAS coalition partners (GPS, Bersatu, MIC, MCA, Sabah coalition partners), who need non-Muslim voters to support their parties, will see their bases flee, fearing that the association with PAS reduce the rights of non-Muslims;

3) A significant number of non-Muslim voters will flock to Pakatan Harapan Plus, further strengthening their political power;

4) Tax revenue from alcohol sales, which is significant, will plummet. And it is common knowledge that most of the taxes collected are used to maintain public service employment;

5) Many Muslims choose to work in liquor-serving industries that may eventually close due to this regulation, thus leaving many people out of work.

So PAS, go ahead and make your much-deserved victory lap.

I think, therefore I exist: This new restriction on liquor sales has been implemented to please PAS. It is the beginning of things to come if the party is to be part of the new government the day after GE15.

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin needs all the help he can get, and he doesn’t care if his policies cause difficulties for businesses that don’t involve the Muslim / Malay community. This move is a clear indication of how desperate this regime is to maintain its power.

We had some hope after GE14, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and his band of bandits could not tolerate a free and just Malaysia where everyone had a just life. We are here today because the rakyat was stabbed by the very people they entrusted their lives to. Never more.

BlueShark1548: The restrictions apply only to miscellaneous stores, convenience stores, and Chinese medicine stores. Other types of outlets can still sell liquor.

The Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL) did the right thing to minimize liquor sales by limiting their outlets. Still, liquor is not good for health and causes social problems.

Many grocery stores are selling cheap, shoddy spirits to our low-income groups, and this is one way of restricting their supply.

The Associated Liquor Merchants Association should provide statistics to back up their claims (that further restricting the sale of liquor could also contribute to an increase in smuggled spirits).

Malaysia Fair: Diverse stores are supposed to sell sundries. And what do Chinese medicine stores have to do with selling spirits? It is understandable if it is to make medicine, but Chinese medicine stores should be the last place to sell alcohol for consumption.

The public liability of these medicinal stores and rooms is pathetic, and what they really care about is making a quick buck.

Annuar Musa and the Islamic authorities may have their agenda, but that is beside the point.

Any little effort or gesture to remind people of the harmful effects of alcohol use and the devastating effect it had in “destroying” families is good.

Kawak: There is nothing surprising about the policy and legislative control over matters related to haram business in Malaysia. We have a Malay-Muslim majority PN government.

The PAS, being part of the PN government, is in a rush to implement these policies. MCA, MIC and Sarawak PBS are fully responsible for putting religious and racist fanatics at the head of government. What can MCA President Wee Ka Siong do now?

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