The MTUC expects the cabinet to approve the proposal to increase social welfare assistance to RM1,000 per month


KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) hopes that the cabinet will unanimously agree with Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s suggestion to increase the monthly aid from the Department of Social Welfare for people in need.

Its general secretary, J Solomon, said that the MTUC welcomed the prime minister’s proposal to increase the monthly aid to RM 1,000 from the current amount of RM 200 to RM 300.

“This (increasing amount of monthly aid) does not require the approval of laws, but only the decision of a cabinet and internal circulars would be sufficient once the Ministry of Finance obtains the funds.

“Therefore, many comments or studies are not needed, since the Department of Welfare will have the database of those who are eligible,” he said today in a statement.

Last Saturday, Muhyiddin said that a proposal to increase the Department of Social Welfare’s monthly aid from between RM200 and RM300 for people in need to RM1,000 would be presented at this week’s Cabinet meeting.

Solomon also urged the cabinet to extend social assistance to two other categories of Malaysians, namely the Social Security Organization (Socso) pension recipients who receive less than RM2,000 per month and workers in category B40. earning less than RM4,000. one month. –Named
