The ‘Mowgli Malaysia’ family’s buffalo farm declared a restricted area


KUALA TERENGGANU (Bernama): The Terengganu Department of Veterinary Services has stated that the buffalo farm belonging to the Muhammad Syukur Khamis family in Kampung Banggol Katong near Serada here is a restricted area for the public.

Its director, Dr. Mohd Termizi Ghazali, said the measure was taken under the 1953 Animal Law (Law 647) which only allowed owners to enter the area, to prevent the disease, which is believed to be hemorrhagic septicemia , it spreads to other areas.

“This is the department’s standard operating procedure (SOP) to ensure that there is no movement of people and vehicles on the farm, as it represents a risk of infection for livestock in other areas.

“This farm has been closed effective today until the outbreak problem is resolved,” he said when contacted on Tuesday (September 15).

Meanwhile, a check on Bernama at the farm found that the process of burying the buffalo carcasses was still ongoing.

Muhammad Syukur, popularly known as ‘Mowgli Malaysia’ or ‘Kampung Boy’ after his photographs with the buffaloes went viral in 2015, said five more buffaloes died Tuesday morning, while six had critical symptoms.

“This morning I was even sadder because I saw a buffalo calf that was only one month old and still nursing its dead mother … I don’t know how to describe the feeling of sadness and I was drowned out by the emotion.

“For now, we really hope to find a way to save the buffalo that are still healthy,” he said.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Syukur’s father, Khamis Jusoh, 64, said they did not know how to isolate buffalo that were still healthy, as suggested by the Veterinary Department, due to space and time constraints.

“It is difficult for me to quarantine the animals because there is no suitable place, also this is an open area … and the buffaloes cannot be exposed to the hot weather, they will cross the fence to go to the nearby rice fields.” .

“I really hope that healthy buffalo can be saved with the experience and skills of the Veterinary Department, but if not (and more deaths occur), I am resigned to the will of God,” he said.

On Monday, media reported that 36 buffalo belonging to the family of 15-year-old Muhammad Syukur have died in stages since Wednesday, believed to be due to hemorrhagic septicemia. – Bernama
