The KK deputy will quarantine KL for 14 days before the parliamentary session


KOTA KINABALU: Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin travels early to Kuala Lumpur to self-quarantine before the next parliamentary session.

The Sabah DAP secretary said in a Facebook post on Saturday (October 10) that he would travel to the Peninsula early, as all Sabah MPs had to be in Kuala Lumpur by October 17 at the latest.

He said that he had received an official letter on Friday (October 9) from Dewan Rakyat’s secretary.

“Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases in Sabah recently, Sabah MPs must be there earlier to allow a 14-day quarantine period, before the Parliament session begins on November 2,” Chan said.

He added that he would follow the standard operating procedure (SOP) established by the National Security Council.

“This means that I will be out of my constituency for about two months when the session ends on December 15,” he said in the post.

Chan said the next session was important for the nation as the 2021 Budget and the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) would be discussed.

“Parliamentarians should not neglect their duties by not attending simply because SOP is a nuisance to them.

“We are all together in the fight against the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in this nation. There is no double standard, ”he said.
