The increase in allocations shows the great concern of the government for the fishermen


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s announcement today that the government will increase the allocation for fishermen to RM 300 from RM 250 a month reflects his concern for the well-being of the group.

The general manager of the National Association of Fishermen (Nekmat), Azrin Shah Ismail, said that the announcement was good news for fishermen, especially coastal fishermen who were mostly affected by the spread of Covid-19.

“The most affected are the fishermen in the areas imposed by the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

“Yes, they can go out to sea, but they can only market the fish in EMCO areas. The fishmongers from abroad will have difficulties to enter the EMCO zones, ”he told Bernama.

Azrin Shah said that the increase in the allowance would also help the fishermen cover their monthly expenses, including buying basic goods and school supplies for their children.

Meanwhile, in Pasir Puteh, more than 700 fishermen from Bachok and Pasir Puteh thanked the prime minister for the increased allocation.

The president of the Bachok Fishermen’s Association, Saripuddin Ishak, said the announcement had relieved fishermen in the area.

“The increase is very significant for us because at the moment we are rarely able to go out to sea due to the uncertain weather conditions,” he said.

The president of the Semerak Fishermen’s Association, Zahari Samat, said the increase could help reduce the financial burden of more than 100 fishermen in the area.Named
