The government remains firm in the decision not to disclose the final report on MA63


KUALA LUMPUR: The government has reiterated its decision not to disclose its final report by the special cabinet committee that reviewed the implementation of the 1963 Malaysia Agreement (MA63), says the deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Sabah affairs and Sarawak) Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib.

He said that the government is of the opinion that it is not necessary to make its final report public, since it involves sensitive matters classified as official secrets.

“The decision was made after taking into account various aspects such as the law and its content, as well as discussions that contain technicalities and sensitive matters classified as official secrets,” he said in Parliament on Tuesday (November 17) during question time. .

She was responding to Datuk Mohd Aziz Jamman (Warisan-Sepanggar), who asked if the government has any intention of releasing the final report of the special cabinet committee on the implementation of MA63.

Subsequently, Azis asked Hanifah an additional question about whether the government is willing to accelerate the implementation of MA63.

Hanifah, in a simple reply, simply said that the government is doing its best in this regard.

“There are also issues that have been implemented and some are still under discussion. God willing, they will be implemented as soon as possible ”, he added.

It was previously reported that 17 of the 21 issues identified by the committee had been agreed and that the remaining four were still under discussion.

The pending issues were royalties from oil, minerals and oil fields, the Territorial Law of the Sea of ​​2012 and state rights over the continental shelf.
