The government is considered unfair as long as Khairuddin is not indicted


The government is considered unfair as long as Khairuddin is not indicted

Alfian ZM Tahir

Alfian ZM Tahir

Updated 13 hours ago · Published on October 15, 2020 15:30 ·

The Minister of Plantation and Commodity Industries, Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, is fined for disobeying the self-quarantine order while ordinary people are imprisoned. – Malaysia Insight file photo, October 15, 2020.

The perception that Putrajaya is practicing double standards when it comes to violators of the Covid-19 standard operating procedure will remain as long as Minister Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali is not charged with disobeying the mandatory quarantine order, said an electoral reform group and a lawyer. .

They said this after yesterday marked the 100th day after Khairuddin, the minister of plantation and commodity industries, was caught for disobeying the quarantine order.

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