The enigma of the Liverpool substitution is being solved by his own Sergio Busquets


Jürgen Klopp made a pretty definitive statement with his first substitute on Sunday: Curtis Jones is now Liverpool’s 12th man.

It’s been a season of growth for Jones, who has grown from a checkered prodigy to a complete midfielder capable of wavering between whatever role or style the game or coach demands of him.

After a series of tippy tap spells against West Ham, Klopp decided he wanted his side to be more direct. One pass instead of two. A dribble, a surge, instead of stroking the ball from one side to the other. That kind of energizing, style-changing role used to be the exclusive domain of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. Now it’s Jones’, a player capable of switching between any style on command.’s Dan Morgan and Ollie Connolly spoke after the game about Jones’ impact and his new role.

“There is a real statement being made this season about his position in the pecking order,” Dan said. “He’s fast becoming player number 12.”

“That comes first when there are some established internationals in that field, that he trusts the way he is. And not only that, but he goes in and clearly executes what is asked of him to perfection. He shows his maturity.”

“I’m running out of superlatives with him. I really, really think Liverpool have something special with him.”
