The EC will ensure that there is no new group after Chini’s partial election


Election Commission Chairman Azhar Azizan Harun says initiatives will be taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19 during the Chini state midterm election on July 4.

PUTRAJAYA: The Chini state partial election on July 4 will see a new standard operating procedure (SOP) introduced by the Electoral Commission to limit the number of voters for each voting channel to 400 compared to the previous 600.

EC President Azhar Azizan Harun said the commission had engaged the health ministry, the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA), the National Security Council (NSC) and the police in preparing the POE.

“We do not want to create a new group after the midterm elections. Therefore, we are taking the initiative to prevent the spread of Covid-19 when the midterm elections are held,” he said today at a news conference in the EC Tower.

Azhar said the suggested voting time would be indicated on the voter card to ensure compliance with the social distancing regulation and to reduce congestion at voting centers.

In campaigning, he said that the EC would follow the SOPs and regulations applied during the movement control order (MCO), the conditional MCO (CMCO) or the enhanced MCO (EMCO).

“Let’s say that the CMCO is still being implemented (during the midterm elections), so ceramah will not be allowed. Campaigns can only be carried out through the media, bunting and posters, as well as through the mobile campaign unit.

“It depends on the type of MCO that is applied at the time. We will monitor it and finish when the time comes, ”he said.

Azhar said the EC would also form a campaign enforcement team made up of the police, local authorities and candidate representatives to oversee all activities during the campaign period.

When asked what the EC would do if a voter was suspected of being positive for Covid-19 or showing symptoms, Azhar said one of the suggestions was to take the person to a special store to be handled by health personnel using equipment. personal protection (PPE).

“We will closely monitor the situation. There are a number of aspects to consider. (For example) If we allowed voting from the hospital or by mail, how do we manage the ballots? he said.

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