The current pioneers of the Covid-19 vaccine | The star


Suddenly, it seems like a lot of Covid-19 vaccines are being released at the same time. What are they?

So far, three major vaccines against Covid-19 have been announced.

It is easier to remind them which company they are from: namely Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca in association with the University of Oxford in the UK.

Right now, these three companies expect their respective vaccines to be approved by the relevant regulatory bodies and released to the world before the end of the year (2020), or at the latest early next year (2021).

This is very exciting! But I thought other vaccines had been announced as well, including from Russia and China.

That’s true. But these three vaccines are the first to have gone through a massive clinical trial process that is widely accepted by the scientific and medical community around the world.

We hope the other vaccines from countries like Russia and China will work too.

However, they have to go through the same research and clinical trial process for us to be truly safe.

Vaccines must not only be effective, they must also be as safe as possible for the general population.

That is why it is important to have scientific evidence and background checks around the world.

Okay, going back to these three vaccines, are they all the same?

In fact, they are not.

The Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines involve injecting part of the genetic code of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (made up of RNA or ribonucleic acid) into a person’s body.

Two doses, spaced three to four weeks apart, are needed for these vaccines to be effective.

Each vaccine trains our body’s immune system to recognize the virus if it enters our body and to fight it.

The AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine is different.

It is a genetically modified virus of the type that usually causes the common cold and that often occurs in chimpanzees.

This virus has been genetically altered to introduce SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins into our human immune system, which will allow the immune system to recognize the SARS-CoV-2 virus if it enters our body and fights against it.

And don’t worry, the virus vector is modified so that you don’t get the common cold.

Which of these is the best?

All three seem to be very effective.

Those from Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna report an efficacy of 95%, which means that for every 100 people injected, 95 will be protected.

The Moderna vaccine has data to suggest that it is equally effective in all ethnic groups.

Meanwhile, the AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine has reported an average efficacy of 70%, but only because they have two groups receiving different doses.

Efficacy was 62% when volunteers received two full doses of the vaccine.

But when they were given a half dose, followed by a full dose, the efficacy was 90%.

Have I heard that there are differences in the storage of vaccines?


The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine must be stored at -70 ° C, which means that it must be transported and kept in special freezers so that it does not spoil.

That will be a logistical challenge for many countries, including ours, especially in the tropical heat.

It is also very expensive to buy and maintain so many freezers.

Moderna vaccine should be stored at -20 ° C (freezer) while AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine can be stored in ordinary refrigerators, like the ones we have at home.

That would make it much easier to transport and maintain.

I am afraid to get vaccinated. Are there any side effects? What if I get Covid-19 instead?

You will not get Covid-19 from vaccines.

The vaccine virus is incomplete and has changed so much that it can no longer cause disease.

So far, only very mild to moderate and non-serious side effects have been reported.

How much will those vaccines cost?

Some governments with universal health coverage will pay for their citizens to get vaccinated for free.

Some insurance policies will cover the cost.

Even if we have to pay for the vaccine out of our own pocket, it will be a small price for so much profit.

AstraZeneca / Oxford has stated that their vaccine will be sold at USD 3-4 (RM12.26-16.35).

The Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are priced to governments at USD20-25 (RM81.74-102.17).

Will all of these vaccines be available to us together or are they being prioritized for certain groups of people?

Different countries will have different ways of implementing vaccines.

It also depends on the finances and logistics of the country.

Most countries will prioritize healthcare workers first, as well as people who are at very high risk of contracting Covid-19 and dying from it, such as the elderly.

Dr. YLM is a medical graduate and has written for many years on various topics such as medicine, health, computing, and entertainment. For more information, send an email to [email protected]. The information in this column is for general educational purposes only. None The star nor does the author make any guarantees regarding the accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other guarantees regarding such information. The star and the author denies all responsibility for loss, property damage, or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly by relying on such information.
