The COVID-19 cluster explodes in a meat processing warehouse in Victoria


The COVID-19 group explodes in a meat processing plant when eight workers test positive for the deadly disease

  • Victoria health officials confirmed a coronavirus outbreak at a meat facility
  • Eight people at the processing plant have tested positive for COVID-19 so far
  • The facility, which was not named, has been closed for cleaning and contact.
  • Here we show you how to help people affected by Covid-19

Authorities are investigating a new group of coronaviruses at a meat processing plant in Victoria, where eight people tested positive.

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos confirmed on Saturday that there was an outbreak at an unidentified facility that has been closed for cleaning and location of contacts.

Three plant staff members are among the seven new COVID-19 cases in Victoria since Friday, bringing the state total to 1,371.

Ms. Mikakos said that one of the new cases is a returning traveler who is now in hotel quarantine, while the others are isolated in their home.

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos confirmed Saturday that there is an outbreak at an unnamed meat processing facility that has been closed for cleaning and contact tracing.

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos confirmed Saturday that there is an outbreak at an unnamed meat processing facility that has been closed for cleaning and contact tracing.

The meat processing plant was not named, but Ms Mikakos said there were no concerns about food security or risk to the community at large (stock image)

The meat processing plant was not named, but Ms Mikakos said there were no concerns about food security or risk to the community at large (stock image)

He declined to name the business or provide more details about its location, but emphasized that there were no concerns about food safety or risk to the community at large.

“I do not hesitate to name a facility if I think that is in the public interest,” Mikakos told reporters when she was pressured to provide more details about the business.

It comes after a group of coronaviruses was identified at the Hawthorn Grange nursing home in East Melbourne, with four residents and an infected staff member.


New South Wales: 3,030

Victory: 1,371

Queensland: 1,034

Western Australia: 551

South Australia: 438

Tasmania: 221

Australian Capital Territory: 106

Northern Territory: 27



DEAD: 93

One of seven new cases of Victoria’s coronavirus involves a traveler who returned to a hotel in quarantine.

“The fact that we have had seven new cases overnight shows that the situation remains incredibly fragile,” said Mikakos.

All but 71 patients who have contracted the virus in Victoria are recovered.

Of the total number of cases, 141 indicate community transmission. This means that someone has been infected without going abroad or coming into contact with another confirmed case.

Twelve people remain in the hospital with the virus, including seven in intensive care, and more than 129,000 Victorians have been tested.

The number of deaths in the state from the virus remains at 18.

The restrictions on social gatherings and movement are beginning to ease in some states.

But Victoria is not expected to relax its measures to suppress the spread of the coronavirus before a state of emergency expires on May 11.

It occurs when the police distributed 30 fines in the last 24 hours, including seven people gathered for a birthday party and others arrested for drug offenses.

Earlier this week a group of coronaviruses was identified at the Hawthorn Grange nursing home in East Melbourne, with four residents and an infected staff member.

Earlier this week a group of coronaviruses was identified at the Hawthorn Grange nursing home in East Melbourne, with four residents and an infected staff member.
