The court reported that the night cadet Zulfarhan was surrounded by 20 students


The High Court has ordered 18 UPNM students to intervene in his defense accused of murdering, injuring and inciting the murder of Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain.

KUALA LUMPUR: Three young men accused of wounding University Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) student Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain told the High Court today that each of them saw the victim surrounded by more than 20 people in a room of your hostel.

Mohamad Lukhmanul Hakim Mohd Zain, Ahmad Shafwan Berdal and Muhammad Danial Firdaus Azmir, all 24, said this when they testified as defense witnesses in the case.

Witnesses 14, 15 and 16 also said they saw Zulfarhan sitting on a chair in the middle of room 4-10 of the Jebat shelter building while surrounded by 20 other people on May 22, 2017.

Hakim said that when he returned to his room (4-10) from room 4-07, he saw Zulfarhan sitting on a chair, while Abdoul Hakeem Mohd Ali, Muhammad Azamuddin Mad Sofi and Mohd Syafiq Abdullah sat at a table.

“Then I went to bed, lay down and fell asleep,” he said in response to lawyer Hazizah Kassim, who represents Hakim and Shafwan during the chief examination in the defense trial of 18 UPNM students accused of wound and kill Zulfarhan.

Room 4-10 was the scene of the incident in which Zulfarhan was allegedly beaten and tortured with a steam iron.

When asked by Deputy Prosecutor Julia Ibrahim if all of them (more than 20 people) in room 4-10 were confronting Zulfarhan during the May 22, 2017 incident, Hakim said, “Not really.”

Julia: Were Azamuddin, Hakeem, and Syafiq facing Zulfarhan?

Hakim: Yes, the trio was in front of him.

Julia: I suggest that Zulfarhan’s interrogation was still ongoing (May 22, 2017).

Hakim: I can’t be sure I heard them talking.

Meanwhile, Shafwan also agreed with Julia’s suggestion that there were arguments the night Zulfarhan was surrounded by more than 20 people in room 4-10.

However, he did not agree that the discussions were about the missing computer of the first defendant, Muhammad Akmal Zuhairi.

On July 31, the High Court ordered 18 UPNM students to present their defense accused of murdering, wounding, and being an accessory to Zulfarhan’s murder.

Five of the defendants, Akmal, Azamuddin, Muhammad Najib Mohd Razi, Muhammad Afif and Mohamad Shobirin Sabri, are charged with murder, while Hakeem is charged with complicity in the murder of Zulfarhan.

They allegedly committed the crime in room 04-10, of the Jebat shelter building in UPNM, between 4.45 and 5.45 in the morning of May 22, 2017.

The charges against the accused were brought under articles 302 and 109 of the Penal Code, which impose the mandatory death penalty upon conviction.

The six, along with 12 others, were also ordered to appear in defense on charges of injuring the victim.

The 12 are Mohd Hafiz Fauzan Ismail, Hakim, Shafwan, Muhammad Amirul Asraff Mala, Luqman Hakim Shamsuri, Muhammad Sufi Mohd Mustapha, Noriznan Izzairi Noor Azhar, Muhamad Ashraf Abdullah, Firdaus, Muhammad Hasif Ismail, Muhammad Adib Iman Adian Iman and Fuadha Swadha. Moses.

They are accused of willfully causing harm to the victim in an attempt to force him to admit to the alleged theft of a laptop. If convicted, they can be jailed for up to seven years and fined.

The crime was allegedly committed in room 03-05, of the Jebat hostel building at UPNM, between 2.30 and 5.30 in the morning of May 21, 2017.

The trial before Judge Azman Abdullah continues on September 30.
