The best books of 2020? The New York Public Library has you covered


As the holiday season approaches, the search for gifts begins. But which books should be on this year’s wish lists? From debut novels to award-winning bestsellers, the New York Public Library is available to help with their newly published lists of the best books of 2020 for kids, teens, and adults.

Expert librarians from the New York institution selected more than 280 books, sorted by gender, format and age. This roundup of the best literature of the year covers almost every genre, from fiction to graphic novels to biographies. All in all, there should be something to please any beloved bookworm this vacation, whether they read in English or Spanish.

“2020 brought unexpected challenges around the world, which we have had to face together. Despite these obstacles, the library and its staff remain committed to our patrons, offering resources, recommendations and services in new and innovative ways. best library books reflect an inspiring mix of the services our readers need from their library. Our Best Books Committees read hundreds of books, searched for titles both physically and digitally, determined to create a great list of books that readers can enjoy despite the difficulties of 2020 “. Lynn Lobash, associate director of the Library’s Reader Services team, said in a statement.

Adult books recommended by the New York Public Library include The city that we became by NK Jemisin, the first urban fantasy novel in his “Big Cities” series. In it, the African-American writer tells the story of five New Yorkers who must unite to save their city from destruction. Authors Hilary Leichter and Maggie O’Farrell are also on the list, with Temporal: a novel Y Hamnet: A Plague Novel, two books acclaimed by The New York Times.

Children’s books that defend diversity

When it comes to children’s books, Californian author and illustrator Christian Robinson comes up with his bestsellerYou matter. The book helps parents teach their children about empathy and community with the help of a series of colorful illustrations. Gorgeous homemade brown – a celebration by Samara Doyon and Evelyn del Rey is moving by Meg Medina also found favor with the experts at the New York Public Library. Both books feature black characters, something that is still too rare in children’s literature, according to a recent British study.

The New York Public Library has also compiled a list of the best children’s books in Spanish. The selection includes What do you think? in which Vera Galindo presents some of the biggest names in contemporary art, as well as the ode to diversity and friendship, friends by Lauren Ace.

The complete selection of the New York Public Library’s Best Books of 2020, including lists for children, adolescents and adults, as well as a selection of poetry, can be found on the official website of the American institution. – AFP
