The best alternative to total economic closure is for PN to quit smoking


YOUR OPINION | “May the ministers of Pakatan Harapan return to their respective posts.”

Azmin wants alternatives to the total economic closure to be considered

New Year: People will never forget the Sabah fiasco. From that day on, the number of new Covid-19 cases continues to rise.

Furthermore, it has been 10 months since Perikatan Nasional (PN) took power, and yet they still have no idea how to handle the crisis.

Since the first motion control order (MCO), many companies have not recovered. Now, with the second MCO (MCO 2.0), there will be more businesses that will fail.

If from the beginning, the Ministry of Health had created a committee of experts to advise or manage the pandemic, we may not have to come to this. Instead, it has been left to the incompetent Ministry of Health. They have failed, big time.

What is hidden by not allowing professionals with full authority to handle the Covid crisis?

Passerby: Chief Minister Azmin Ali, I think the best alternative is for you and the NP government to resign.

Hand over the government to those who can gain the support of the majority without bribing deputies with charges and declaring an emergency.

May the ministers of Pakatan Harapan return to their respective posts. They were doing much, much better than you and the Minister of Health, Dr. Adham Baba.

What her name: Oh my God Azmin, only now you think of alternatives. You were supposed to think about this six or eight months ago, so we can prepare for this.

Azmin, this all comes down to competition.

OrangePuffin1531: Unfortunately, most manufacturers must be coerced before they take real action to ensure the well-being of their workers, both local and foreign. It is too little, it is too late.

Why didn’t you enforce these changes 12 months ago, Azmin? The only good thing that can come out of this pandemic is that it forces companies, the government and the people to treat others more humanely.

OrangeViper4306: First of all, we are already in a total lockdown. Businesses are closed, except for essential goods services.

Even if business owners have obtained approval from the Ministry of Industry and International Trade (Miti) to remain open, the National Security Council (NSC) and Ministry of Health officials visit the business premises and order them to be closed. There is no coordination between these three agencies.

How do companies pay their staff if they cannot operate? As it is, with MCO 2.0, the business is so poor that the minor sales they can get is better than nothing. Companies must stay open with due adherence to standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Second, it’s time to get vaccines from India, which are cheap, easy to store, and less risky. The only problem is that our 95-year-old former leader has always been a big mouth in international relations, much to Malaysia’s disadvantage.

Anon25: I agree with Azmin. It is a viral infection with high infectivity but relatively low and acceptable mortality.

Virus infections will eat away, like H1N1 and SARS. They are more dangerous but there were no confinements. We survive.

So there is no need for big locks. There will be a severe negative impact on the economy, which can take years to recover.

The Ministry of Health and the other medical specialists only think about the infection. They think the economy is unavoidable collateral damage. You are a senior minister, Azmin. Call the shots!

Chokstone: After the first OLS, we have been following the US and Europe methodology; See how they do now, they are headed for a worse situation, but at least for them, vaccines are at hand. We were lagging behind in terms of vaccine preparation and procurement.

Covid-19 hospitals have been overwhelmed, quarantine centers are crowded and saturated, they will soon run out of ventilators. The worst is yet to come.

Obviously, this backdoor government never thought that daily infected cases could run into the thousands.

Velarooks: I think we need to maintain some kind of lockdown to lower the current curve. Once it’s at a more manageable level, we can implement more proactive measures.

Points to consider: Sixty percent of Malaysians live in multigenerational households; factories must reduce operating capacity temporarily to ensure that standard operating procedures and proper detection can be implemented; and undocumented migrants need to be tracked and screened as soon as possible (it will only lead to another wave if left unchecked).

The government must keep scaring people with OLS to get Malaysians to line up. Too many are not disciplined enough.

Just a Malaysian: But the confinement is a double-edged sword. It flattens the infection curve but impacts the working class. The economic cost is too high. We are not a country with large reserves.

It is necessary to look for alternatives, such as allowing each state to open internally but close to the other state. Then we focus on vaccination. This has to start as soon as possible.

The Ministry of Health must find a creative way to temporarily expand medical facilities and quarantine centers. The CEO of Health needs to think outside the box more aggressively. All of society must participate.

Increasing fines is not the right way. Management needs to think smart. And most importantly, leave politics or the desire to appease the voter base out of this. This is war.

Manjit Bhatia: “Therefore, the idea that the economy can instantly revive after a lockdown has been lifted has no real basis,” Azmin said.

This assertion is a direct slap to Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz. He says that the 6.5% to 7.5% GDP growth that Zafrul has been throwing like confetti is sheer nonsense.

This includes forecasts from so-called analysts in Malaysia and across the region. The problem with these Malaysian analysts and politicians is that they are all in favor of creating “false” arguments and passing them off as gospel, as if people are too stupid not to be caught by anyone.

But what is Azmin’s game now? Do you want Zafrul’s position, which is more prestigious than Miti’s minister, and is it testing him to become prime minister?

YellowTiger1314: PN has the smartest and most talented people in Malaysia; that’s why he got rid of Harapan because he thinks he can do better.

Well now is your chance to shine. Don’t ask people what they can do for your country, ask what you can do for the country Mr. Miti Icon.

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