Ten Gombak Voters File Lawsuit Against Azmin


KUALA LUMPUR: Ten registered voters in the Gombak parliamentary constituency have filed a lawsuit against their member of parliament, Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali (pix), for alleged deception and breach of fiduciary duty through the ‘Sheraton Move’ that caused the fall of the Pakatan Harapan government in February.

The 10, as plaintiffs, filed the lawsuit through Messrs. Yohendra Nadarajan in High Court here on November 27, and named Mohamad Azmin, who is also Senior Minister of Commerce and Industry, as the sole defendant.

The controls showed that the lawsuit had been arranged for Friday (November 4) for case management before the Undersecretary of Registry Maslinda Selamat.

In their complaint brief, the plaintiffs, aged between 36 and 64, seek a statement that Mohamed Azmin, as a Gombak MP, is an administrator and has a responsibility towards his constituents, including all ten.

They are also seeking a statement that Mohamed Azmin violated his fiduciary obligations, deceived them during the elections in the constituency, as well as the representations owed to them.

According to the plaintiffs, the representations made by Mohamed Azmin were, among others, offering to compete on a platform to defeat the government at that time, namely Barisan Nasional (BN), and corrupt public officials.

They claim that the representations were false and Mohamed Azmin had only wanted their votes without making any effort to comply with those representations.

All 10 also claimed that they had relied on those representations to vote for the defendant in the XIV General Election.

“The right to vote guaranteed by article 119 (1) of the Federal Constitution is a constitutional right. Voters, including us, exercise that right when referring to the demonstrations made by the candidate during the electoral campaign.

“The defendant is linked to the representations he made and the PH manifesto that he used to challenge. As such, he cannot make a complete change by joining the current government and the Barisan Nasional component party, which he had harshly criticized and condemned during his election campaign.

“By violating these representations, the accused had violated constitutional rights, especially the principles of parliamentary democracy and representative democracy, which are part of the basic structure of the constitution,” they indicated in the application brief.

Therefore, the plaintiffs request a statement that the defendant has breached their fiduciary duties and the duties owed, in addition to deceiving them, and as such they request compensation, including aggravated or exemplary damages, interest, costs and other orders that the La cut. – Called
