Tajuddin: Give Umno the DPM position and more ‘strategic’ ministries


KUALA LUMPUR: Umno should receive a deputy prime minister post and more strategic ministerial posts in the Perikatan Nasional government, as it is the largest contributor of seats in Parliament, says Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman.

“We contribute the largest number of seats in parliament, so perhaps we should be given the post of deputy prime minister,” the Umno high councilor said on Friday (October 16).

He said that Umno had not been given the due recognition it deserved despite contributing equally to the formation of the ruling coalition.

He gave the example of Datuk Seri Azmin Ali and nine other MPs who left PKR to join Perikatan.

“Almost all were appointed ministers (or vice ministers). Even the PAS, which is a smaller party compared to the Umno, held important positions. This is causing discontent among the Umno members.

“Umno was given portfolios related to science, innovation and unity where we cannot do much. We should have given ourselves portfolios related to economy, trade and agriculture,” he said.

Tajuddin said that Umno did not seek “power for power’s sake” but that this was so that the party could better serve the people.

When asked to comment on his earlier comment that Umno was considering supporting PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tajuddin said this was a possibility if Umno’s demands were not met by his Perikatan partners.

However, he insisted that the party was convinced that it would not work with DAP.

“Umno made his position known a long time ago that it wouldn’t work with anyone allied with DAP.

“Without DAP, we are ready to talk,” he said after a walk to verify compliance with standard operating procedures at the Masjid Jamek LRT station here.

Umno announced on Tuesday (October 13) that it would issue “new terms” for the Perikatan coalition if they continued their political cooperation formally in a written agreement.

The party’s general secretary, Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan, said the party would consider withdrawing its support for the ruling coalition if these conditions were not met.

Tajuddin, however, rejected claims that politicians were more concerned with politicking than the rakyat.

“The government has announced a lot of help for the unemployed and the financially burdened amid this Covid-19 crisis.

“Politics does not interfere with the government’s ability to serve the people,” he said.
