S’wak announces 1.5-month bonus for civil servants


KUCHING: The Sarawak government has announced a special incentive from the base salary of one and a half months, or a minimum of RM2,000 for state civil servants.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg said that the bond would be paid before the end of the year.

He also said that federal civil servants in Sarawak would receive a one-time incentive of 500 ringgit from the state government, which would be paid in the first quarter of next year.

“The state government appreciates the contribution, sacrifice and commitment of state and federal public officials in the performance of their duties and responsibilities during these difficult times.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, members of Sarawak and the federal civil service, including doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, uniformed bodies, immigration and other front-line personnel, have worked tirelessly to protect our rakyat.

“In doing so, they have risked their own safety and sacrificed their comfort. There are also countless other members of the civil service who are working behind the scenes, away from the glare of publicity, but working diligently in their respective workplaces.

“To all of them, I thank you,” Abang Johari said in closing the debate on the state budget in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly on Friday (November 13).

The chief minister also said that the state government would conduct a comprehensive feasibility study on the creation of a sovereign wealth fund, which had been proposed by several assembly members.

He said this would ensure a proper governance framework and implementation mechanism to mitigate any risks associated with the operation of such a fund.

“I welcome suggestions for the state government to establish a sovereign wealth fund by investing surplus income as a buffer in times of financial crisis, as well as for the benefit of our current and future generations.

“Such a fund could also help the state address volatile resource prices, the unpredictability of extraction and the exhaustibility of natural resources,” he said.
