Suitcase Murder: Jealousy, Financial Trouble Believed To Be Motives, Sibu Cops Say


SIBU: Jealousy and financial problems are believed to be the reasons behind the gruesome murder of a woman whose body was found stuffed in a suitcase and thrown on Jalan Aman here.

“We believe that jealousy and financial problems led the two suspects to kill the woman,” said Stanley Jonathan Ringgit, communications assistant for Sibu OCPD.

He said police were still investigating the death of 37-year-old Heng Meow Lin from Perak, whose body was found by a passerby at around 6.45am on October 6.

“As the case is still under investigation, we cannot reveal much,” he said.

ACP Stanley said an autopsy performed on the body showed that the victim succumbed to suffocation and a head injury due to blunt trauma.

“There were also fighting marks on her neck and body, indicating that she was being strangled and beaten,” he added.

Heng leaves behind a 16-year-old daughter who is in Perak.

Meanwhile, the two suspects, a man and a woman, had their preventive detention extended for another seven days by the Magistrates Court until October 19.

The duo, both 37, were arrested at a home in Jalan Tong Sang on October 6 in connection with the case.

The case has been classified as murder under Section 302 of the Penal Code.
