Students, teenagers among 59 arrested at drug party in luxury condo in KL


KUALA LUMPUR: About 60 party goers, including 27 students and teens, were arrested for having a wild party at a luxury condo in the city.

Acting on a track, police personnel from the Dang Wangi District Police Headquarters raided the condominium unit in Jalan Sultan Ismail around 2 am on Saturday (September 12).

Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Mohd Fahmi Visuvanathan Abdullah said 59 people, 44 men and 15 women, were detained during the raid.

“The detainees were between 14 and 23 years old. The controls of two of the men revealed 31 ecstasy pills. We also seized three laser display systems, three speakers and three LED lights,” he said when contacted on Sunday (September 13). ).

He added that urine tests revealed that 16 party-goers tested positive for amphetamine and ketamine, including two college students and one school student.

“The detainees are in preventive detention until September 15.

“Everyone present also received compounds for violating the recovery motion control (MCO) order,” he said.

ACP Fahmi said the case is being investigated under Section 39A (1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1952, which carries no more than five years in prison and flogging upon conviction.

“We are also investigating under Section 12 (2) of the same Act, which carries no more than five years in prison or a fine not to exceed RM 100,000 and three lashes upon conviction.

“The case is also being investigated under Section 15 (1) (a) of the same law, which carries no more than two years in prison and no more than RM5,000 in fine upon conviction,” he added.
